I’m currently working on a small setup for myself to have my complete home server in a Nix-config. That means, services, backup, etc. And if I can, having everything nice and separated into different files.

Currently, it’s just the few services I need, and a bunch of hard coded constants/passwords, but I wondered if there’s any interest from you guys to use and maybe even collaborate on this kind of project?

Maybe it even already exists.

  • @[email protected]
    2810 months ago

    Just put it on Codeberg or Github. Having other people’s config for reference is always nice. Especially for beginners.

    • Weseler SitzmöbelfabrikOP
      610 months ago

      That was my plan, but removing all the stuff specific to my setup takes a bit of time, so I wanted to test the waters first.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Fair enough. I personally think someday someone will have the same niche issue I’ve already tackled and be happy to stumble over my code while googling it. So I just drop most things I do somewhere for other people to find. Regardless.

        But concerning NixOS, I also still need to switch over a few things to agenix and generalize parts of my config before publishing it.

        • Weseler SitzmöbelfabrikOP
          210 months ago

          I’m still conflicted a bit if maybe the new wiki would be a better place. My Github project is (to a casual googler) just some random bloke on the internet dumping some files, while the wiki is at least somewhat curated and official.

          Doing both would be the best, obviously, but I’m also struggling with adulting, so I don’t have that much time on my hands.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Hmm. There is value in both. When I started out with NixOS I read lots of wiki articles. And we all know there is some room for improvement. And I also read several configs of other people to see how things tie together. And to look up things that aren’t documented. Nowadays I just put in what I’m looking for and “language:nix” into Github. So there’s lots of personal configs that turn up. Sometimes with useful stuff. So I think anything is better than nothing. But obviously if you have kids, prefer them and let other people come up with the detailed wiki articles 😆

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    I’d definitely be interested.

    I did something like this a while back when I attempted to create an official Cardano dev/Stake Pool operator machine. I ended up realizing that a whole config is too personal to try an standardize but parts of my shared configs DID help other Cardano devs and Stake pool operators get a rock-solid Cardano dev/SPO setup that could be cloned into a myraid of different types of machines and configs.

    • Weseler SitzmöbelfabrikOP
      210 months ago

      I would see this rather as a starting point, or maybe a collection of pluggable flakes, I’m not sure yet.

  • @filister
    810 months ago

    I am very much interested

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Sounds interesting. I started an Ubuntu server about a year ago, didn’t get very far. Really only using FreshRSS right now. Would really like to move it to my NixOS flake and learn/add services as I go along.