• @surewhynotlem
      395 months ago

      By being the least worst candidate. Thank you FPTP voting

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      It’s not about LOSING the young vote. Not voting is the default position for young people… Always has been (although each generation has gotten better about this)… The question is “how can I keep supporting genocide and still get young people to actually show up and vote?” And of course the answer is bully them relentlessly and never give them anything they ask for /s

    • @Fades
      55 months ago

      Removed by mod

      • @whoreticulture
        5 months ago

        Why was this comment removed?: Edit: my question is neither an endorsement nor non endorsement of this comment. I personally find it a bit inscrutable. But why was it removed?

        Biden’s US has done the most for providing aid in Gaza by FAR, they just finished a new pier purely for a safer and more consistent vector for delivering said aid to Gazan people who desperately need it.

        but things are not that simple…


        Aid deliveries began arriving at a U.S.-built pier on Friday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave. The U.N. agreed to assist in coordinating aid distribution from the floating pier, but has remained adamant that deliveries by land are the best way to combat the crisis. The U.N. said that 10 truckloads of food aid - transported from the pier site by U.N. contractors - were received on Friday at a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza.

        But on Saturday, only five truckloads made it to the warehouse after 11 others were cleaned out by Palestinians during the journey through an area that a U.N. official said has been hard to access with humanitarian aid. “They’ve not seen trucks for a while,” a U.N. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters. “They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels.” The U.N. did not receive any aid from the pier on Sunday or Monday. “We need to make sure that the necessary security and logistical arrangements are in place before we proceed,” said the U.N. official.

        Aid offloaded at the pier comes via a maritime corridor from Cyprus, where it is first inspected by Israel. The pier operation is estimated to cost $320 million and involve 1,000 U.S. service members. U.S. officials have said the pier would initially handle 90 trucks a day, but that number could go to 150 trucks. The U.N. has said at least 500 trucks a day are needed to enter Gaza.

        What is Biden supposed to do here?

        The U.N. agreed to assist in coordinating aid distribution from the floating pier, but has remained adamant that deliveries by land are the best way to combat the crisis.

        By land, from the other side, we have israeli zionist bastards blocking aid into Gaza:


        Right-wing Israeli protesters blocked trucks carrying food supplies that were headed into Gaza on Monday in the latest disruption to humanitarian relief for the war-torn Palestinian territory. The trucks were attacked by an Israel group called “Tsav 9” at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, a border crossing from the Israeli-occupied West Bank into Israel, west of the city of Hebron.

        “Most of them were settlers. They also live there, they are settlers in the settlements in the area,” she said. “The common theme among all of them is that they are from the right wing Zionist groups. The religious nationalist stream, as we call it.”

        • @mightyfoolish
          5 months ago

          They said food will get into Gaza, nothing about it reaching people… Unfortunately.

  • @mojo_raisin
    5 months ago

    I’m voting for Biden because I’m not dumb enough to think forfeiting my vote will help end the genocide, but if goldfish man wins and we become fascist, I will blame Joe Biden for throwing away our democracy in support of Israel.

    • @HipHoboHarold
      95 months ago

      Same. The Republicans have been insulting anyone who doesn’t stand with them on everything. They claim to be able to criticize Biden, but holy shit am I tired of being insulted for not agreeing with him on genocide. They just continue to push everyone away. So while I am also voting, a part of me doesn’t blame those who are done and not bothering. They want everyone sit down, shut up, never expect to get anything we want, but then to also vote? Kind of fucked.

  • Icalasari
    5 months ago

    If they got somebody clever, it could help mitigate damage (e.g. pointing out Trump’s own worse record, the fact that the GoP basically plans to erase democracy if they win, how some things people wanted are constantly being blocked by the GoP)

    Sure as hell won’t help regain lost votes, though

    To do that, Biden needs to stop supporting the genocide, or if unable to, make it clear exactly why he is unable to

    • @TropicalDingdong
      205 months ago

      I mean it worked in 2020. Biden started the campaign with effectively a Republican slate of policy positions. Until the ratfucking on Sunday before super Tuesday, Bernie was running away with it.

      To get Bernie’s voters, Biden basically did a lift and shift of Bernie’s entire policy platform. This got him the support of Bernie’s massive grassroots movement, and is what won the election (and why we’ve seen such a progressive slate of domestic policies from Biden). At that time, Biden learned from the lesson that Hillary didn’t: You can’t shame voters into supporting you; you have to prioritize their issues.

      Biden can do the same now. Its actually pretty easy to do so. He can come out strongly and say something like “While we still support our ally Israel, this genocide is wrong, and the extermination of a people is never an acceptable answer. Never again means never again, for any community”

      And like you said, he can also just explain exactly why he is unable to do certain things. He can can just send some very strong signals.

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        Biden won in 2020 because Trump absolutely botched the national pandemic response. Now Biden is dealing with a recession on all but name, meteoric inflation, a war in Europe, and a genocide in Gaza. He obviously can’t do much for the economy, but he has the deck stacked against him and is going to need the youth and muslim votes if he hopes to win in November. All he has really done for young voters is a few waves of student loan forgiveness. Nothing he does will win over “moderate” Republicans, so he needs to rally support from young voters.

        • @Fades
          25 months ago

          Removed by mod

          • @[email protected]
            95 months ago

            So why doesn’t he force Israel to allow the aid deliveries? Biden is the only person on earth that can stop the killing and all he has to do is withdraw his support from Bibi. Instead he makes hollow gestures and lets Israel undermine those gestures.

            Many people are very uncomfortable with giving any amount of support to genocide. Couple that with an already apathetic voting population who was been told “this is the most important election of yoir life” every other year for the past 8 years, they would rather just stay home. Blame leftists who want to end the genocide in Gaza all you want, but at the end of the day, the Democrats have been botching their voter outreach.

          • @return2ozmaOP
            15 months ago

            Yikes. Maybe it’s time for you to log off and get some fresh air for a bit.

          • @whoreticulture
            5 months ago

            I don’t agree with what this commenter is saying, but why was this comment removed?

            All he has really done for young voters is a few waves of student loan forgiveness. Nothing he does will win over “moderate” Republicans, so he needs to rally support from young voters.

            jesus fucking christ, what goddamn reality are you living in???

            This is absolutely false, he has been doing everything possible to forgive student loan debt for kids, he’s the first goddamn president to join workers ON THE FUCKING PICKET LINE. This meme position is yet another branch of this priority to accommodate younger demographics.

            Additionally, Biden’s US has done the most for providing aid in Gaza by FAR, they just finished a new pier purely for a safer and more consistent vector for delivering said aid to Gazan people who desperately need it, as Israeli zionists block truck-based aid.

            Biden has to be jesus fucking christ himself to satisfy you people goddamn it

        • @return2ozmaOP
          15 months ago

          He’s wiped student loan debt for around 4.75 million people. Sounds like a lot but then you realize there’s 45,000,000 with student loan debt and $1,750,000,000,000 total student loan debt.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            35 months ago

            He’s wiped student loan debt for around 4.75 million people

            He didn’t wipe the debt out, he just stopped fighting in the courts over an existing loan forgiveness program that Betsy DeVos had decided to fuck with during Trump’s first term. And the bulk of this loan forgiveness came as part of a deal that required 10 years of employment in a public sector career. Fucking with it meant undermining recruitment efforts by the Pentagon, the FBI, etc.

            Biden is trying to take credit for a Clinton Era Program, not unilaterally writing off billions in debt.

            Even setting aside the fact that $7B isn’t even a percentage point on outstanding debt, this is purely headline gore and has little to do with Biden’s domestic policies.

          • @Fades
            25 months ago

            Removed by mod

            • @return2ozmaOP
              55 months ago

              When will Dems stop blaming Republicans for all their shortcomings and “it’s too hard” excuses and actually fight back? Republicans get almost anything they want.

        • @[email protected]
          135 months ago

          I believe this is referring to the famous Sunday meeting with all of the centrist candidates and former president Obama. This happened right after Bernie won the South Carolina primary.

          As a result of that meeting, buttigieg dropped out and endorsed biden (He got Secretary of Transportation)

          Klobuchar also dropped out and endorsed Biden. (She got Chairman of the Rules Committee)

          Warren, also at the meeting, stayed in the race to split the left-leaning vote.

          This backroom meeting was the turning point for the primaries. Previous to this meeting, Bernie had a solid lead. Afterwards, it was all Biden.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            35 months ago

            This happened right after Bernie won the South Carolina primary.

            Right after Bernie won the Nevada primary and shortly before he swept California. Biden won South Carolina in a landslide, thanks to a coalition of Atlantic Coast conservative democrats throwing their corporate lobbyist fueled and Pentagon endorsed support to the most reactionary candidate in the race.

            Warren, also at the meeting, stayed in the race to split the left-leaning vote.

            This gets overstated. Warren got her knife into Bernie’s back when she accused him of psychically tanking the Hillary campaign. But she had next to no impact on the Midwestern primaries, where Biden trounced Bernie. That was much more about COVID depressing turnout and all the other midwestern candidates dropping out.

            Previous to this meeting, Bernie had a solid lead.

            He had a few break out states on the West Coast, but he wasn’t yet polling above the 50% line. The Obama endorsement combined with the Klobacher/Buttigieg dropouts consolidated support behind Biden in the Rust Belt. It likely would have been a horse-race into the convention, but it wasn’t a sure thing.

        • @Cryophilia
          -45 months ago

          Bernie bro conspiracy theories

      • @ashok36
        05 months ago

        The problem with Biden saying he can’t do things is that Trump will just come out the next day and say, “this problem would be solved on day one of my presidency.”

        Would it be true? Absolutely not. Would it matter? Absolutely not.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          Doesn’t matter… NO ONE is on the fence between Biden and Trump… Anyone on the fence is sitting between Biden and just not showing up… And for most of them, ‘just not showing up’ is the default… They need to be convinced to show up FOR someone, not against someone

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Biden isn’t going to win by converting Trump voters. Anybody who still thinks Trump is the best choice for America is not going to change their mind at this point. They are lost causes.

      Biden is going to win by breaking apathy and making people realize that he is incredibly limited (by the Republican-led House) on what he can do in Israel. The genocide is popular with both leading parties. It sucks. Get over it.

    • @rsuri
      5 months ago

      If you want an honest answer, it’s because for every 1 of the “stop the genocide” people, there’s 2 people who support Israel’s campaign to bomb Palestine. Mainly because Hamas is often seen as representing the Palestinian people and have done everything in their power to destroy sympathy for Palestinians, and secondarily because US-based advocates for a free Palestine have used methods that seem primarily designed to piss people off like setting up camps in public spaces and accusing random passers-by of partaking in genocide.

      Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-israel-gaza-poll-cbs-news/ Even after a shift away from Israel, only 37% think the US should even encourage Israel to stop the campaign. To me military aid to Israel makes exactly zero sense. But I also live in reality, and cutting off aid entirely would be political suicide until advocates for it do a better job of actually being convincing.

  • @Agent641
    5 months ago

    I am a career memesmith, just like my father, and his father before him. In fact, I still have one of grandpappys hand-carved memes from when he was a young shitposter. Back in thise days, you used to have to place your memes in store front windows if you wanted anyone to see them.

  • @cmeu
    245 months ago

    It’s really weird that this octogenarian president is having trouble connecting with young voters 🤕

  • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
    205 months ago

    How do you do fellow kids?

    I need you to picture the meme, please. Errr… I still don’t know how to put pics in the comments. Sooo…

    • @chetradley
      5 months ago

      Put an exclamation point in front of the square brackets to change the image from a link to an in-line image. !+[]+(url_of_image) Don’t type the “+” signs!

  • @FRAnkly
    155 months ago

    Literally desperate.

    • @Fades
      5 months ago

      Removed by mod

      • @BallotOrTheBullet
        85 months ago

        Uht oh, getting close to the truth, see you in the mod log.

        • @Cryophilia
          05 months ago

          I dunno what he said, but you called it lol

          • @BallotOrTheBullet
            35 months ago

            Called out OP. Browse Polical memes. You will quickly realize you are looking at a curated space dedicated to 2-3 posters.

          • @JonsJavaM
            05 months ago

            They spammed the same comment multiple times. It wasn’t the content, but the nature of their commenting. When you copy/paste your comments everywhere, it tends to get flagged as spam.

      • @HipHoboHarold
        05 months ago

        They’re going to accommodate us with memes rather than policy… So yeah, fuck Biden still.

  • @SpaceNoodle
    105 months ago

    Ethnic cleansing is a meme, right?