A British man and his Nepali guide are believed to be dead after reaching the summit of Mount Everest on Tuesday, a guiding company said.

Dan Paterson, 40, and Pastenji Sherpa, 23, reached the peak just before 5am on Tuesday but have not been heard from since, according to Paterson’s partner, Becks Woodhead.

Paterson’s partner has set up an online crowdfunding page for the search and rescue operation and said that a helicopter and specialised search teams are likely to cost about £150,000. The Go Fund Me site had reached £118,000 on Saturday evening.

  • @Linkerbaan
    324 months ago

    F for the Nepali dude. Poor man risked his life to walk some rich tourist up a mountain.

    • @AIhasUse
      74 months ago

      I agree that it doesn’t look fun, and it absolutely seems stupid, and on top of that, a massive waste of money. That all said, it sure seems like an incredible experience to have, and I would love to know what it feels like to make my way to that peak.

  • warm
    164 months ago

    Like it must be absolutely phenomenal up there, but it’s such a selfish endeavour. All you are doing is risking others lives, a sherpa to go with you in the first place and then whoever else if you go missing. People just pollute the mountain, with themselves and with what they leave behind, give it up guys, there’s loads of stunning mountains which are piss easy to climb, do them instead and just watch a video of Everest.

  • Diplomjodler
    84 months ago

    Climbing Everest is essentially just playing Russian roulette. There are so many factors beyond your control that can kill you at any time. I really don’t understand why people are so crazy about this. Just so you can brag to your friends?

    • Echo Dot
      54 months ago

      People die trying to claim mountains in the Lake District. It’s exposed up there and the weather can change extremely quickly.

      • Diplomjodler
        34 months ago

        That’s hardly the same. If you bring proper equipment and don’t behave like an idiot, you’re very unlikely to die in the Lake District.

  • @werefreeatlast
    54 months ago

    On lighter news, a 58 year old Sherpa was come back from the summit of said mountain for the 30th time. So, I mean, on average, the odds are pretty good. Right? Right?

    • @Pretzilla
      4 months ago

      Sherpa are more gods than men, though

      • @werefreeatlast
        24 months ago

        Are you trying to say that Sherpas are gooderer?