Someone please fine me an example of #classical #halloween #music 🤣
I don’t know what that is! Would Thriller count? @music
how old are we talking? The Monster Mash? Ministry’s (Everyday is) Halloween? Thriller should count I assume… usually the term Classical is like Mozart and Beethoven, maybe you mean Classic?
Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain, and maybe also Danny Elfman in the movies of Tim Burton.
I haven’t seen it yet (sorry, I’m 80 years late) but you can get a list of the songs here:
I’m not good at music theory, but I’m sure there is a “genre” of classical music that ressemble horror movies (something like the Mozart’s requiem?). Also you should look at the waterphone which is an instrument used to make weird sounds in this kind of movies: It’s made of metal, filled with water, and you use a violin bow to play.
Unrelated but you also have the glass harmonica / glass harp, the musical saw, and the theremin for weird sounds.
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor?
Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre
Danse Macabre - Saint Saens is probably the most well known.
Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath - Hector Berlioz
Not old but also: Devil’s Dance - John Williams
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