mfw they can’t spell “atheists”

  • MentalEdge
    325 months ago

    If you want, you can fix the typo, and edit the post with the new image. The title isn’t the only thing you can fix if you do a typo on Lemmy.

    Typos are funny, tho.

  • @Shadowedcross
    275 months ago

    I’d sooner believe in God than myself lmao.

  • Johanno
    105 months ago

    I believe in me and I am the only thing that matters. This means peer review isn’t needed for me. My opinion is enough.

    Oh what’s that? You don’t care about my opinion? Guess what I don’t care!

    • @Wogi
      45 months ago

      I assume this is a joke but I used to know a guy who legitimately felt this way. He was an insufferable asshole who couldn’t figure out why he was alienated from everyone he considered a friend.

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    5 months ago

    Believing in yourself as per the old media coming-of-age trope is a really good way to get exploited in the twenty-first century, in which we harvest talent shows even more for cringey acts by which the good acts can be presented.

    There is nothing wrong with you (we can a commodate for a lot of disabilities, such as paraplegism or blindness) In a better world you wouldn’t be obligated to make yourself useful, but would find opportunities to do so and the natural motivation to take one. (If you don’t have that motiviation, that is avolition, a symptom of depression.)

    However, our world is fiercely competitive and based on dominance hierarchy, only slightly more cooperative than the wild jungle. Furthermore, every industry is gamed to make employment openings scarce and in demand, hence the high level of abuse and bullying that is epidemic in the industrialized commercial sector. You can be awesome at your job and still end up unemployed or locked into a shit job because of pure bad luck and because no corporation takes management or talent hunting seriously.

    And if you’re an adequately sexy human specimen, you will get harassed, extorted or exploited. Multiple times.

    So it’s not you, it’s the world we live in. And the whole believe in yourself trope presumes the world will meet you half-way given a bit of luck and pluck. It won’t. And going in believing in yourself will get you chewed up and swallowed, or turned into an abomination of your former self, broken from within.

    But this isn’t a call to just give up. It’s a call to go creatively renegade. Believe in plan A, but have Plans B and C and a bug-out bag just in case.

    Maybe take a pointy knife lined with ricin, just in case.

    • @TIMMAY
      5 months ago

      I agree with you but this is a fkn essay man

          • @Cosmicomical
            25 months ago

            Are you maybe saying he should believe in himself?

            • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
              25 months ago

              While I’m a pretty strong critic of myself, I’ve assessed my copy. Usually it’s passable, sometimes it’s crap and occasionally it’s brilliant. I’m okay with this.

              It also won’t land me jobs… at least not jobs I’m willing to take.

  • JackGreenEarth
    85 months ago

    Believing you exist - well, I am thinking therefore I exist. No such argument for god.

      • JackGreenEarth
        5 months ago

        What same philosopher? I’m the only one I can know exists :p.

        In seriousness, Decrates, who originally said cogito ergo sum, did also make an argument for God, but a bad one.

    • @Bgugi
      15 months ago

      Prove it, and don’t give me any of that “I think therefore I am” bullshit… Facts don’t care about your feelings!

  • @[email protected]
    05 months ago

    believing in yourself to some degree seems to me to be a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for success, since it underlies action in general