Hey! I looked around a bit and the last thread like this I found was several months ago, so I thought I’d make a new one. As per the title, what game do you play on your phone? I’m both looking for new ones myself by also hope others might find some of interest to them.
For my own part of this I mostly like puzzle games, especially these:
Hook, Klocki, NABOKI etc. from Rainbow Trains games
Monument Valley games from ustwo games
The Room series from Fireproof games
I Love Hue duology from Zut!
And all the games from Legenbeary games (very addicted to Wordathlon, currently at level 3253)
(all playstore links)
Would love recommendations of any lesser-known similar ones! But post anything you like of course. :)
Hope anyone finds something they like from my list above or recommend by others in comments (if there are any, heh).
Shattered pixel dungeon. So fucking addictive and good
And completely free of ads, microtransactions, and locked content of any description.
Yeah! Played that a lot a couple of years ago, and some of the variations. Ever tried Caves (roguelike)? Similar in a lot of ways but I like the design more.
I was trying to send you down a rabbit hole and you just pulled the ‘no u’ card.
Maybe I’m weird but I don’t. I miss those days of genuine well crafted smartphone games you bought once and played.
I bought the games I played but I guess a few bucks was too much for most people. It’s just not worth shoveling through garbage to find a few gems when I could spend my time doing anything else. My iPod touch was my DS back in the day.
Anything I can play with a controller on my PC, because I can stream Steam games to my phone from my PC over the Internet and I have a thing to hold my phone with a Bluetooth controller.
I’ve wanted to get a holder to join my phone and controller, but I haven’t found one that works with any of the controllers I have :/ I’m a sucker for buttons on the underside of controllers and the “official” ones available (xbox elite and dualsense edge) are way too expensive… And those are the only ones that I find phone attachment thingys for. I have a Gulikit KK3 and it’s an absolutely amazing controller, only two small negatives are the lack of the above-mentioned and a headphone jack. Otherwise, it’s easily the best normal style controller I’ve ever used (I have a deep love for the original steam controller, but mine died a while ago and it has some glaring issues that barely make up for all the greatness).
What do you use to stream games?
The SteamLink app.
I never thought of using it over the internet. I guess it must be working somewhat well. Nice and thanks!
Thought I’d chime in and also recommend GeForce Now and Shadow for cloud streaming on your phone, both work well for specific games. Nothing that needs super quick response times and frame-perfect inputs, but more games than I would have guessed work great!
I used GeForce now on my desktop in the past. It was pretty good. Even for games like cyberpunk.
Every single color made by Barte Bonte. I’m really hyped for Purple to come out.
Start with Green
Oooh, I’ve tried those games, think I finished the first two but just forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder! Definitely picking up the rest.
I get down with some minesweeper too, every now and then
Oh yeah, been deep into minesweeper a couple of times through the years. Specifically love Minesweeper - The Clean One. Very well designed both in UI and UX.
That’s the one! It’s so cool. I was hooked for a good bit when I first tried it out. It’s so damn satisfying to use
Basically just Fire Emblem Heroes right now.
I keep trying to find a fun game that isn’t a pay to win where you need to whale hundreds of dollars for a -chance- to get something usable (FE Heroes is kinda like this but not too bad) but everything on the app store seems like garbage whenever I look. It’s all designed to punish you if you don’t pay enough money. I don’t mind paying a bit for a game I like but I can’t really find anything good.
I might end up just buying Slay The Spire, even though I already own it on PC.
All the way through your comment I was thinking, you should try Slay the Spire, but you beat me to it. Another one you might consider is Star Traders: Frontiers I don’t think it has any microtransactions (it’s also on Steam)
GBA emulator + Fire Emblem ROMs ftw
I’m not a fan of touchscreen buttons, so I ended up getting a few SBC Gaming devices that emulate games really well and with a native or scaled resolution to match original systems. Or just play them on original hardware (using a flash cartridge if needed).
But to avoid carrying an extra device, android emulation is the way to go.
i’ve severely pruned my games list over the years. the ones which still survive are simon tatham’s puzzles, lichess, forkyz (from f-droid), chess pro, 6 takes, pudding monsters hd, unblock me premium.
that last one, quite appropriately, is played during the morning loo session.
Clash Royale mostly and sometimes the Alto’s series
I prefer action games. I quite enjoyed the Space Marshalls series.
I go through phases with games. I always have a jigsaw puzzle game going. Right now I’m obsessed with Killer Sudoku. I occasionally play Mahjong 3D or one of the tap-out games.
I don’t really play games but I do have Antimine that I use occasionally.
Gonna check it out! I have a LOT of hours in Minesweeper - The Clean One and they look very similar from just the screenshots. But animation and feel play a big part in minimalist stuff. Thanks for the recommendation!
Mini Metro
Mario Run
Vampire Survivors
Card Crawl
Card Thief
Final Fantasy Tactics
Professor Layton
Miracle Merchant
Game Dev Story
Game Dev Tycoon
Motorsport Manager Mobile
Http://lishogi.org Japanese chess, it’s a website, but I just have it as a shortcut. Great way to kill time and stimulate brain cells.
Typically I don’t, but in the past Duet was great, except I finished the game.
Auralux and SwordandGlory are the only two I ever open these days.
Super auto pets.
Marvel Snap. It’s the best strategic card game I’ve ever played, although the meta bullshit does tend to get old.