• Cris
    2410 months ago

    I honestly can’t tell what happened here… The article is confusing as hell and I can’t tell if its just too early in the morning for me, or if I’m dumb 😅

    • @jeffwOP
      1810 months ago

      Cameo is a website where you can pay famous people to send a recorded message to someone. People often use it to troll people (google the Zelensky controversy when a bunch of celebs unwittingly parroted Russian propaganda).

      In this case, a GOP official used it to make it look like his opponent was pro-LGBTQ issues, which is a bad thing in Republican’s eyes. They paid Mulvaney to say “thank you [insert candidate’s name here] so much for helping our cause” on video, basically.

      Weirdest part of the article imo is how they only call out the misgendering as an afterthought.

      • @AbidanYre
        710 months ago

        Yeah, but where’s the “severe backfire”?

        • @SickofReddit
          410 months ago

          I think the author thinks that their articles carry more weight than they do and having the article written about it is the backfire?

  • magnetosphere
    1910 months ago

    Using Mulvaney as a tool is a shitty way to treat a person, but apparently Becker doesn’t count her as a real person, which tells you everything you need to know about him.

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    How exactly did it backfire? He got a bunch of people who Republicans hate to say he’s the worst. If anything the scheme worked even better than expected.

    • 🏝Skoob🏝
      710 months ago

      I think it’s in the sense that he did this with the intent of being favored over his opponent due to his support of things like coal. It backfired because it was so cringe that even the coal groups don’t want him now and endorsed his opponent.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Coal lobbyists are literally the only Republican-allied group mentioned and they just kept lukewarm distance. From the wording it kind of sounds like they were already with his opponent. They were never going to care about a Dylan Mulvaney troll. The already know who’s going to ask “how high” when they say “jump”.