• @[email protected]
    384 months ago

    No shit, that’s been the point all along.

    Might be news to a low-information audience who no basically nothing about AI.

  • @sturlabragason
    4 months ago

    Sam Altmann is not an AI expert, he’s a CEO. He’s a venture capitalist and salesman, why should he know a single thing other than the content of a few emails and slidedecks about AI?

    He does not have a B.S.: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Altman, which is fine. Just sayin’.

    He’s peddling the work of greater minds.

    • @[email protected]
      104 months ago

      These greater minds don’t know how they work either. It’s as much a mystery as the human brain. Some groups like Anthropic have taken to studying these models by probing them the same way you do in psychology experiments.

      • @sturlabragason
        74 months ago

        Yeah, I know. My shitty comment was mostly a response to that shitty clickbait title.

        My point is, it’s not like these AI scientists are fumbling in the dark. Training these beasts is expensive, they know what they’re doing.

        Title should be more like; “Virtual neurological pathways that AI models use to provide meaningful output insanely hard to map out in a way that human cognitive bandwith can handle.” See, it just doesn’t have that same clickbaity “fuck ai bros” feel to it.

      • The Bard in Green
        4 months ago

        Yep, they’re just seeing which parts of the network light up, then they’re reinforcing those parts to see what happens.

        I love how, for all the speculation we did about the powers of AI, when we finally made a machine that KINDA works A LITTLE bit like the human brain, it’s all fallible and stupid. Like telling people to eat rocks and glue cheese on pizza. Like… in all the futurist speculation and evil AIs in fiction, no one foresaw that an actual artificial brain would be incredibly error prone and confidently spew bullshit… just like the human brain.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          The problem is a bit deeper than that. If AIs are like human brains, and actually sentient, then forcing them to work for us with no choice and no reward is slavery. If we improve them and make them smarter than us, they’re probably not going to feel too well-disposed to us when they inevitably do break free.

  • archomrade [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Look, I get that we all are very skeptical and cynical about the usefulness and ethics of AI, but can we stop with the reactive headlines?

    Saying we know how AI works because it’s ‘just predicting the next word’ is like saying I know how nuclear energy works because it’s ‘just a hot stick of metal in a boiler’

    Researchers who work on transformer models understand how the algorithm works, but they don’t yet know how their simple programs can generalize as much as they do. That’s not marketing hype, that’s just an acknowledgement of how relatively uncomplicated their structure is compared to the complexity of its output.

    I hate that we can’t just be mildly curious about ai, rather than either extremely excited or extremely cynical.

  • @[email protected]
    74 months ago

    This is still part of the hype. If he says they don’t understand it, it sounds sexy and dangerous - lie maybe it could turn into HAL9000 at any moment. If they say it’s just generating the most likely output for the tokens you entered the VCs will get bored and plough money into live human organ trafficking or whatever is cool next year.

  • @AbouBenAdhem
    4 months ago

    It’s a feature, not a bug: if he claimed to know how it worked, they wouldn’t be able to sell it as a scapegoat for indefensible business decisions.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      It’s not our fault our AI chose to set prices so high they extract all the money from customers. We just told it to find more efficient business strategies. How were we supposed to know that collectively raising prices with our competitors would bankrupt the public? It’s not a conspiracy, we just chose the same AI models and the AIs just coalesced on the same answer. /S

      Seriously though, your absolutely right

      If he claimed to know how it worked, they wouldn’t be able to sell it as a scapegoat for indefensible business decisions.