I’m sure this is good for the health of the non replacable battery
So can any Android device! Why is this Samsung being called out specifically, just because it has good specs or is this a sponsored post?
Maybe it is the ease with Dex mode compared to other phones that don’t have a native desktop mode?
It should also be doable on Motorola. They also have similar Ready for desktop mode.
Other than moto Samsung has been the only one developing desktop mode for Android.
Proot and Termux have been playing WoW for quite some time on many phones
Because this is the specific phone he’s reviewing. ETA PRIME pretty much just buys or gets sent(?) a bunch of gadgets and runs them all through the same array of emulators and benchmarks to see how they perform. It gets kind of boring lately since most emulation is piss easy now, but this is neat.
That’s really neat. I didn’t know anybody was still working on a desktop mode for Android and I definitely didn’t know about running Windows applications.
We have had this for a while with mobox
I guess this is nice. As long as the cpu didn’t melt down.