• @[email protected]
    469 months ago

    I can see a small silver lining here.

    • Queer folx (at least on the Fediverse) are too smart to fall for it.
    • Conservatives are dumb enough to get upset.

    Public, profit-motivated veneers of support are at least not public displays of homophobia.

    A society where 100% of its e.g. banking sector pretends to care about pride month should normalize gay lifestyles more than a society where that sector is openly hostile to them. If someone raises a kid who sees pride flags on every building, even if their parents suck those shallow displays may subconsciously still have a positive effect at the end of the day.

    I’d rather have genuine support but the fake crap is at least better than hate?

    • Annoyed_🦀
      139 months ago

      Good point. Facade alter people perspective far quicker than waiting for systemic change, and once perspective change, systemic change will follow. Better to have acceptance plaster everywhere, even if it’s hollow or propaganda-ish, than hate.

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      Public, profit-motivated veneers of support are at least not public displays of homophobia.

      Have you seen Target’s pride month collection this year? I’d say that it counts as a public display of homophobia, it’s so bad. (Also they aren’t crediting their few artists this year.)

    • @sensiblepuffin
      19 months ago

      I 100% agree with you, but I don’t think the alternative is hate (for most corporations, anyway…); I think the actual attitude for most big corps is indifference. They just don’t give a shit about any group other than potential customers.

      • Log in | Sign up
        39 months ago

        But better public support for a month than erasure.

        • @sensiblepuffin
          09 months ago

          Very true; I don’t oppose the idea of a Pride Month. I just respond to corporate allyship with the same way the corps regard any marginalized group - indifference.

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    9 months ago

    I vote for not giving corporations shit for one of the few positive things they do. Honestly, I worry that this backlash against corporations supporting LGBTQ+ people is actually often being pushed by homophobes.

    Maybe it’s shallow and maybe it’s not very long lasting, but at least it’s public and positive.

    • bountygiver [any]
      179 months ago

      ya as much as it’s just virtue signalling, it’s still showing that LGBTQ+ people are being supported by majority, there will indeed be something to worry about if they stopped suddenly.

  • Banana
    209 months ago

    Reminds me of a line from Festival Song by Jeff Rosenstock:

    “We’re not stupid people, but this financial depression
    Has got everyone believing all that we can do is nothing
    'Cause we organize through avenues they lace with advertisements
    So the ones we try to rage against are still lining their pockets”

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    Even if it isn’t altruism, it is a sign and people just freaked out over rainbows on beer cans.

    I mean sure, you shouldn’t think a company is your friend, but if they publicly declare support, I wouldn’t attack them neither.

  • @Etterra
    79 months ago

    You know you’re being treated equally when you’re being equally exploited under the law.

  • @IsThisAnAI
    29 months ago

    Stop bitching about being a valuable demographic. It’s tiring.

  • @OlinOfTheHillPeople
    -19 months ago

    All events have sponsors. Even crust punk shows.

    Why does this - and only this - context bother you so much?

    • 𝔼𝕩𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕒OP
      49 months ago

      corpos pandering by rainbowashing? It doesn’t bother me, it’s just another meme to be made chief. IDK why you think “only this context” bothers me - I’ve got 200+ posts across the past year and I’m pretty sure they’re 90% just memes. Be sure to check out my meme at the end of the month about corpos that forget to un-rainbow their twitter pfp.

      I’m here for a meme time, updoots to the left. Should be pretty familiar to a fellow rexodus member. Happy 10th month mate, almost to your cake day.

    • @Flummoxed
      39 months ago

      Who said this was the only context that bothered them? I mean, other than yourself, since you are clearly commenting in bad faith.

      • @OlinOfTheHillPeople
        -19 months ago

        I’ve never seen a meme like this for a St. Patrick’s Day parade.

        • @Flummoxed
          -19 months ago

          You’ve never seen anything about the corporatization of St. Patty’s Day?? You must be blind then, because all types of beers and other groups come out with Patty’s Day themed advertisements. There are definitely memes out there about it. Do I need to Google them for you?

            • @Flummoxed
              29 months ago

              Really this is just one iteration of many, I can present a bunch more like this! Just let me know if you still can’t find any of these!

              • @OlinOfTheHillPeople
                09 months ago

                These are all about drinking. Not a single one of them is even close to the OP meme.

                • @Flummoxed
                  09 months ago

                  Is it not clear that drinking beer is what a holy day has been turned into for all sorts of people to make money off of? How is that not identical to people trying to make money off of gays or punks by simplifying and enshittifying what used to be held sacred and real?