I might be crazy but it honestly feels that way vs playing with randos.
Sounds like one of your friends has a real potato computer which is causing sync issues when you play with them.
I thought I’m the one with the potato… Maybe it’s both lol
I imagine that “random” could secretly be biased towards people with lower ping vetween them, for a better experience overall.
are you hosting? host always gets best performance.
I do quick plays with randos so probably not?
as host or do you answer sos?
Answering sos/joing other’s game :/
I keep the little Steam FPS counter on when I play, I never notice it making a difference when I’m with randoms vs with friends. One of my friends plays on a Steam Deck though, so the loading screen of us all diving to the planet feels like it takes ages compared to with randoms.
No problem here