Just a fun WTF result I got from a prompt recently
main rule is to flourgnautch the hongdangle
Very cool. I’ve been working on learning this in Comfy. Any recommendations?
Thanks :) !
- Download the vocab.json and find some way to sample it : https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5/raw/main/tokenizer/vocab.json
Note that the vocab.json is badly configured for emoji symbols. They read as a garbled mess like ĮãĤĬãģŁãģĦ</w>
Ignore those.
Instead use emojis in prompt. Find some ways to sample these as well : https://perchance.org/fusion-t2i-emojis-2
All unicode symbols (not required , but can be fun to see what weird stuff you can create with these symbols) : https://perchance.org/fusion-t2i-unicode-2
You can try entering some words/emojis in this SD tokenizer , and you will see that they match the vocab.json list : https://sd-tokenizer.rocker.boo/
- Divide vocab.json list two categories:
Suffix tokens = tokens that end with </w> , which represents whitespace. Like "banana " .
Prefix tokens = tokens without whitespace. Like “post” used in words like "postapocaplypse " or "postman "
Prefix tokens give properties to suffix tokens when placed in front of them.
- If you have a means to invoke random prefix- , suffix- and emoji- tokens you can now mix them to create crazy results
I recommend using Notepad++ to sort the tokens.
- Follow the cross attention rule: “SD reads the prompt left to right , one token at a time, finding association from the previous token to the current token (and the inage rendered thus far)”
You can try the -prefix . -suffix and the emoji-tokens out on the fusion generator if you like (I’m the dev) : https://perchance.org/fusion-ai-image-generator
There are also other datasets there which you may find useful.
There is a tutorial at the top, but its kinda wordy and haphazard.
I recently wrote a guide on Fusion Generator Discord for NSFW stuff : https://discord.gg/j6qAX3MWub
You can also find savefiles posted there with example prompts which can be loaded into the fusion-generator
I don’t want to present it as a “how to prompt” guide since there is no correct way to prompt things.
It’s more a way to show users that there are more options available to them , should they wish to use them.