• themeatbridge
    2526 days ago

    Almost punk in a way that is not at all like punk. Punks do not tolerate bigotry or fascism.

    While they aren’t punk, there are definitely a lot of racist shitbags in and around Philly.

    • @jeffwOPM
      526 days ago

      side eye glance at the northeast

      • @disguy_ovahea
        25 days ago

        Hey now. themeatbridge is right. The world was a different place before CBGB closed. True punks are anti-establishment anarchists, and also very nice people in my experience.

        Edit: You can disregard this thread. I’m a dummy and didn’t realize where this was posted.

        • @jeffwOPM
          125 days ago

          Oh I just meant the racist part, since the further northeast you go, the more racist it gets. The you lhit the burbs and you get that stupid Trump store

          • @disguy_ovahea
            25 days ago

            Totally. There are no punks in Westchester. Only middle-class commuters and old money Republicans.

            • @jeffwOPM
              125 days ago

              Are you thinking of NYC lol?

              • @disguy_ovahea
                125 days ago

                You mentioned glancing at the punk scene in the northeast. Of course I assumed you meant NYC. Lol

                • @jeffwOPM
                  325 days ago

                  Fair assumption if we weren’t in the Philly community lol

  • Stern
    26 days ago

    The biggest thing is, Trump is a rebel. Trump is almost punk in a way. He’s a rebel against the establishment — an establishment that doesn’t care about us.

    Trump: lives in a three floor penthouse in Manhattan in a building named after him.
    Dipshit: Look at him raging against that machine. He’s a rebel!

  • geekwithsoul
    1726 days ago

    The only time “punk” should be used in conjunction with Trump is “punk ass bitch”.

  • @givesomefucks
    1126 days ago

    Researchers who study the youth vote downplay some of the recent surveys showing the split among young voters. Voters under 30 are less aligned with either party but remain more progressive than voters overall, and polls show they tend to align more with Biden than Trump on issues.

    When Dems cater to the youth vote, Dems get elected.

    When Dems take the youth vote for granted and feel entitled to their votes, republicans usually squeak out a victory.

    This isn’t trump gaining, this is Biden fucking up.

    • @[email protected]
      326 days ago

      sadly, there’s just no way to actually get the youth vote.

      that’s why “youthquake” is such a meme in politics - it will never happen.

      • @givesomefucks
        326 days ago

        Except for what Bill and Obama did…

        You know, pretending to give a shit an actually trying for their vote…

        Just because Hillary and Biden are openly antagonistic towards anyone under 60, doesn’t mean every politician has to be. But I swear to good people treat 12 years ago like it’s ancient history.

        • @retrospectology
          226 days ago

          Yup, Obama took his election in a landslide by appealing to progressive youth, his messaging about hope and change gets memed on now but that’s what people actually want and he was convincing.

          He of course betrayed them once elected and delt massive damage to the party establishments credibility, but the principle works if you’re trying to win elections as a democrat. These days voters are more conscious of how the truth is revealed in the campaign finances, so fancy speeches and empty promises from corporate dems playing at being progressive don’t get you as far. Gotta be the real deal these days, people have been super jaded.

        • @[email protected]
          026 days ago

          2018 had +4% more voters under 50 years old than 2022.

          While 2004–08 had the highest number of younger voters, it also peaked in every age group in terms of turn out by roughly the same amount (+10% ish) except the 60+ dynamic who have shown a steady increase over 40 years with no decline as opposed to all others that have declined since 2012.

          18-30 year olds turned out the most at roughly 48% for Obama, but have never broken 50%, all other age groups have never dipped below 50%, with 45+ year olds never dipping below 62% (all numbers - of voting age citizens who voted)

          • @givesomefucks
            325 days ago

            What you’re ignoring is those elderly demographics keep shrinking and this cycle the majority of voters will be under 40 years old

            The age of the boomers is over, but the generation before them still won’t stop controlling both parties and insisting that listening to 60 year olds is already enough compromise.

            • @[email protected]
              025 days ago

              I’m not sure where you’re getting the under 40 numbers, most polling pegs “youth” as 18-29, And the next bracket is under 45.

              For my purposes I’m calling “young” voters under 30. I used the stats above to add context to show how under represented they are in comparison.

    • @NOT_RICK
      226 days ago

      Nah, this is just a bunch of morons co-opting the look without the spirit. Punk lives on

      • @Windhover
        325 days ago

        You give me hope. The ghost of my nineteen year old self projected green vomit when I read the quote.

    • @[email protected]
      126 days ago

      Not quite, just sleeping, Punk is the antithesis of authoritarianism; if you’re into labels. It wakes up everytime they show up.

  • teft
    725 days ago

    Maga punks fuck off

    • DarkThoughts
      425 days ago

      I’d say someone make a cover version of the original but I guess those dumbos would just rock to it, like with RATM.

    526 days ago

    I think I’ve met some of these dipshits in Bridesburg. I had a good time demolishing one of them when he pulled out the old “civil war was about states rights” dead horse.