The House is expected to vote Wednesday on a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

  • @CaptainKickass
    423 months ago

    Just take a page out of the Republican playbook and ignore the subpoena 🤷

  • Billiam
    273 months ago

    I’m sure Garland is classier than me. I would just send back a piece of paper with the date Gym Jordan was issued the subpoena he ignored written on it, and nothing else.

  • @Nightwingdragon
    173 months ago

    If I’m being held in contempt by the likes of Mike Johnson, Gym Jordan, Beetlejuice, and Marjie The Gross-Looking, then I know I’m doing something right.

    Seriously. I’d be holding an award ceremony for myself. Maybe as a fundraiser to be donated to their opponents.

    I’m no fan of Merrick Garland for all of the obvious reasons, but while I wholeheartedly disagree with the way he’s handled multiple things, none of them rise to the standards where impeachment or contempt of congress is warranted.

    • @lennybird
      3 months ago

      I genuinely fucking love Merrick Garland and it confounds me that people have an issue with him. There may be some hindsight 20/20 wishful thinking about making things magically happen faster, but the guy is genuinely trying and did everything by the book; and in doing so, he ensures his own actions don’t jeopardize the trial outcomes.

      Most of the criticism comes from people who know not a fucking thing about the legal system.

      I think people forget Garland was denied an appointment to the SCOTUS by the GOP as a nominee by Obama.

  • Optional
    163 months ago

    Because he hasn’t released the unredacted Mueller Report, right?

    . . . Right?

    • mad_asshatterOP
      93 months ago

      I already read it and he’s exonerated.

      – Billy Barr

      • Optional
        43 months ago

        Sure thing Mr. Flintstone. Here’s your payment, in an assortment of human children of varying levels of aliveness. Your owners thank you.

  • @Rapidcreek
    113 months ago

    Alternative headline: Meaningless vote in danger of being more meaningless