• SeaJ
    4 months ago

    Prieto was a vendor at gun shows in Prescott and would trade firearms from his personal collection, using only cash deals or trades to evade the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, the affidavit says, adding that this was corroborated through monitoring with the help of the source.

    Maybe we should actually regulate gun shows…

    • @[email protected]
      524 months ago

      Maybe we should actually regulate gun shows…

      Pftt. Yeah sure.

      Then how will the criminals and lunatics get weapons easily that live in blue states with strict gun laws?

      Nobody ever thinks about the lunatics.

    • @cmbabul
      134 months ago

      This would limit the spreading of white supremacy more than I think most would expect, the online side is a tougher nut to crack but gun shows are the wild fucking west, I attended some with friends who’s parents went when I was a kid and some wild shit flies

    • @[email protected]
      -14 months ago

      You mis spelled ban.

      Gun trade should be highly regulated, nobody should be able to just give a gun to someone else, whether it’s in a sale or a gift.

    • @Dkarma
      -214 months ago

      I love how this is completely legal but they still try to frame it as evasion.

      • AwesomeLowlander
        214 months ago

        It’s legal to buy fertiliser. But if you buy enough to blow up the twin towers, and hide that purchasing from the authorities, I have a hunch they’d be interested in you.

  • @Makeitstop
    1254 months ago

    I find it interesting that guys like this who want to start a race war always think that this is the thing that’s going to do it. Like we’ve made it through all the other hate crimes, injustices and large scale protests without erupting into a race war, but one more incident will do the trick.

    Also interesting is how closely his plan is tied to the election. He isn’t just trying to send a message before the election, he specifically thinks that his side needs a specific outcome in the election for his plan to succeed. This plan seems to be a direct consequence of current political environment and the messages coming from his preferred candidate and his supporters.

    Now the article doesn’t actually say which candidate needs to win in order to embolden violent white supremacists. But if you need 2 guesses, you should probably consider going back into the coma you’ve been in for the past decade, you’re not going to like the future.

    • Boozilla
      354 months ago

      He’s clearly insane, but you’re right, it’s still interesting how his “logic” works.

      It’s scary that these psychos think violence is the answer to their perceived problems. There’s a line from The Boys that talks about this, I’m paraphrasing: they would rather see themselves as warriors against “secret forces of evil” than the lonely forgettable losers they are.

      It’s even more frightening to me that they live in some fantasy world where they think they can win a race war. Nobody here would win that. We’d all lose, and some other hostile nation would take full advantage of our domestic self-destruction. I’m worried it’s not a fringe notion. I’m worried a significant percentage are deluding themselves along these lines of violent planning.

      As corny as it sounds…United We Stand, Divided We Fall…is still true.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        44 months ago

        they would rather see themselves as warriors against “secret forces of evil” than the lonely forgettable losers they are.

        Tried to find the quote or the episode, but couldn’t. That’s a good line, nonetheless.

        • @[email protected]
          114 months ago

          S04E02, ~33min into episode. Conversation between Firecracker and Sister Sage.


          Purpose. I sell purpose. These people got nothing. Maybe they lost a job or a house or a kid to Oxy. Politicians don’t give a shit, mainstream media tells them to be ashamed of their skin color, so, well, I bring 'em together, tell them a story, give them a purpose. Which would you rather believe? That you belong to a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you’re a lonely, inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?

      • @vxx
        4 months ago

        They’ve been radicalised to become extremists. It can happen to anybody. It’s easier with badly educated people. In fact, a lot of Lemmy users are on their way as well.

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          “Extremist” is a pointless word in this context. Who’s not extreme about something that matters, like human rights? That doesn’t make a person the same as a white supremacist just because they have a firm conviction.

      • @systemglitch
        -104 months ago

        Too bad you guys are so divided then.

    • @[email protected]
      154 months ago

      It’s always a self report with these people. They would do a race war at the drop of a hat, so naturally the people they look down on (and ironically characterize as more violent) must be just as ready to do the same.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        I suspect they come to the conclusion that if black people had ever done the them what white people did to black people then they’d be dead-set on revenge.

        • TheLowestStone
          164 months ago

          Shit like this is not conducive to changing anyone’s viewpoint and just makes you sound like an asshole

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          I love you - your next comment is “Shit like this is not conducive to changing anyone’s viewpoint and just makes you sound like an asshole”

          • NoIWontPickAName
            -24 months ago

            I know, I’m not proud of myself.

            I’m trying to be better.

            I just hate that stupid fucking caps uncaps soooo much.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          That’s okay, I never asked to be saved. Having someone in charge who isn’t as hellbent on harming as many innocent people is still of value, even if I can imagine things being better.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Narcissism and psychopathy are associated with conservative political orientations and political extremism, so it’s no surprise that a reich-wing lunatic believes he’ll be the one to finally cause a race war by murdering minorities. Conservatives often have overinflated ideas of their own importance, and this dude was no different.


      In the present research (N = 675), we focus on the relationship between the dark side of human personality and political orientation and extremism, respectively, in the course of a presidential election where the two candidates represent either left-wing or right-wing political policies. Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were associated with right-wing political orientation, whereas narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political extremism. Moreover, the relationships between personality and right-wing political orientation and extremism, respectively, were relatively independent from each other.

      We found eleven significant correlations between conservative [Moral Intuition Survey] judgments and the Dark Triad – [narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy,] all at significance level of p<.00001 – and no significant correlations between liberal [Moral Intuition Survey] judgments and the Dark Triad. We believe that these results raise provocative moral questions about the personality bases of moral judgments. In particular, we propose that because the Short-D3 measures three “dark and antisocial” personality traits, our results raise some prima facie worries about the moral justification of some conservative moral judgments

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        When Nixon used the southern strategy to win the presidency, there was a moral sorting that followed within the supporters of the two main political parties

    • ✺roguetrick✺
      54 months ago

      They’re basing that mindset on white supremacist fiction like the Turner diaries. William Luther Pierce should’ve been shot instead of being allowed to die at an old age from kidney disease in a trailer park.

    • @cmbabul
      44 months ago

      They all think they’re in the Turner Diaries

  • @commandar
    854 months ago

    According to the affidavit, Prieto said: “The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f------up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now? Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [N-words] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years.”

    Yes, black people have only been around in significant numbers in Atlanta for a couple years.

    Certified stable genius.

  • @[email protected]
    444 months ago

    Honestly laughable to me that racial supremacists or similar extremists expect some sort of self-segregating army to form and win. It’s never gonna work like that. They’re just going to get stomped out by the majority who can work together, for very obvious reasons.

    • Echo Dot
      104 months ago

      They can’t organize because they hate each other just as much as they hate anyone else. They all have opinions on the way things should be, but no no two of them can decide what those things are. It would just descend into a bunch of factions all fighting each other until everyone else gets sick of them and just drops a bomb on them.

      They seem to think that their AKs are going to have any effect against a modern military. They wouldn’t even be presented with a target.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        84 months ago

        They seem to think that their AKs are going to have any effect against a modern military.

        They think if they stand up with a bunch of AKs, the modern military will defect to their side.

        But US military propaganda is it’s own thing. It’s like assuming Yankees and Red Sox fans will both root for you because we all like baseball together.

      • @[email protected]
        54 months ago

        They seem to think that their AKs are going to have any effect against a modern military.

        Worked pretty well in Afghanistan

        • @[email protected]
          64 months ago

          The highway system in america was built by Eisenhower after he came back from Europe because he saw how awesome the Autobahn was for moving tanks across the country. That’s why they’re raised like that, to support heavy tanks and artillery.

          American military can project force within the United States in a way that it couldn’t within Afghanistan.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              34 months ago

              It’s central to a guerrilla war. Force projection is how guerrillas win. If you’re just stuck up in the hills, sucking your own dicks, nobody cares that you’re in opposition.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -24 months ago

          Give or take a few hundred thousand dead Afghanis, sure.

          The occupation was intolerable to generations of locals, but multiple generations died in order to force the occupation out. In the end, the US only left because they lost their resupply corridors through China, Russia, and Pakistan, thanks to exciting new wars breaking out on other sides of the globe.

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            That’s the entire point of guerilla warfare, keep the pressure on until yot opponent loses their will or needs their troops elsewhere

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          -24 months ago

          The Afghanis are poor. Poor people can survive things that wealthy people can’t. Do you know how to grow your own food and live in a cave? Even if you did are you willing to?

          The Afghanis believe in an afterlife, not as an abstraction, but as a real place. Die in combat and go to heaven. If I die in combat I know I am not going anywhere but the ground.

          The civilian population was willing to help the Taliban out. Even if one civilian wasn’t the Taliban were a real issue that would murder them while NATO would drop by once a month with some bags of flour and weren’t willing to torture your kid to get you to help them.

          It isn’t the same situation at all. Gravy-seals aren’t going to be willing to live in the woods for 15 years. They are not going to have help from the local population. They aren’t addicted to glowing rectangles with tracking on them. They aren’t willing to go fling themselves into death to get 70 virgins.

          You really can’t win a war against a poor country. Because their population can live off the land. If you still don’t believe me just mentally picture yourself on a camping trip for 15 years avoiding the cops the whole time while still getting away with random terrorism.

    • @MehBlah
      94 months ago

      The delusion that you will be the spark of great change is very real in some people. I bet it didn’t occur to George Floyd.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      84 months ago

      It’s a theory that keeps circulating in right wing circles. If you just commit a big enough massacre of minoroties, you’ll get another BLM. And then you can unload the cops on all the brown people by claiming they’re Antifa Radical Terrorists.

      Not unlike what’s happening in Palestine right now. Use any mass movement of opposition to violence as the bloody shirt that justifies genocide.

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      And if they think the only reason black people haven’t killed a bunch of white people as part of a race war because they just haven’t really had a convenient excuse for it, they haven’t really been paying attention to history.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      I literally don’t know a single person who would join some Aryan army. All the white people I know would absolutely like up to smash the fash.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Prieto was a vendor at gun shows in Prescott and would trade firearms from his personal collection, using only cash deals or trades to evade the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, the affidavit says, adding that this was corroborated through monitoring with the help of the source.

    Likely if he didn’t do this, payed taxes on his transactions, he might have not ever been on the radar by investigators to get caught in the first place.

    We all got lucky this dude is a dipshit loser and got sloppy. There are more organized pieces of shit out there planning better and not even show up as a blip to the cops.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      44 months ago

      Liberal gun owner here. I go to gun shows. I avoid the creepy ones.

      I frequently get downvoted for telling people it’s not that hard to buy a gun without a paper trail, if you’re willing.

  • @[email protected]
    304 months ago

    You just gotta love that a guy is so dumb that with the last name “Prieto” he wants to start a race war…

    • @phampyk
      84 months ago

      I don’t even think he knows the meaning of his surname lol but it does make it more ironic

  • mars296
    294 months ago

    Ironic last name for someone trying to start a race war.

    • @Everythingispenguins
      234 months ago

      Very Very ironic

      The meaning of Prieto - Spanish: nickname for a dark-haired or dark-skinned man, from Old Spanish prieto ‘dark, black’.

  • @masquenox
    264 months ago

    Aaaaaaand… the word “terrorist” doesn’t appear once in that article.

    I guess NBC didn’t think him brown enough.

    • NoIWontPickAName
      74 months ago

      I take that back, if we saw someone on tv do this we would complain about it being unrealistic.

      This timeline is fucking crazy

  • @[email protected]
    214 months ago

    If he wants to fight that bad the gov’t should send him elsewhere. I mean there are enough wars/conflicts in the world he could battle in instead of starting one in the US.

    • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
      224 months ago

      I hear Russia is always in need of more fodder troops lately.

      But these people are ALWAYS cowards so they won’t ever fight where there’s a chance their victims would fight back.

      • @Dkarma
        194 months ago

        That’s not even remotely close to what nimbyism is…hahaha

        • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
          44 months ago

          Not In My Back Yard. When things you don’t like show up in your 'hood. What is the other one?

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            I knew what it meant, but the person I was responding to appeared that they didn’t. Then they replied and did know the meaning but used it wrong due to a reading comprehension fail.

        • @[email protected]
          -114 months ago

          It perfectly describes what this person is doing - not caring to solve the problem, just to move it along so it’s not in their own back yard.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Except that’s not what they were implying. They were implying that there’s already “race wars” going on in the world and if he really really wanted to fight in one, he doesn’t have to look too far.

            If I were you, I think I would have taken the loss on not knowing the meaning of NIMBY over showing that my reading compression was lacking.

            Even then, who the fuck wants a war in their neighborhood?

            • NoIWontPickAName
              -124 months ago

              If I were you, I think I would have taken the loss on not knowing the meaning of NIMBY over showing that my reading compression was lacking.

              Shit like this is not conducive to changing anyone’s viewpoint and just makes you sound like an asshole

  • @[email protected]
    204 months ago

    Can he just go away for a very long time? And never have access to guns? That would be good, too.

    • @[email protected]
      -54 months ago

      That’s not going to solve the problem. Guns are not like cars, a necessary evil in some places. The purpose of a gun is to kill or maim something. Target practice is practicing putting a hole in something living. Handguns should be banned and all sales of long guns should be regulated for hunting purposes.

      If guns were all about “target practice” and “self defense”, there would be a ton of pellet guns and rubber bullets sold. No attacker is going to double check whether you’re holding a pellet gun or a real one. They’re going to run tf away.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        You think we should not incarcerate this guy, and let him have access to guns again?

        I can only think/ hope you misread my post.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Kevon: “Handguns should be banned… long guns should be regulated…”

          You: “and let him have access to guns again?”

          I’m pretty sure that’s not what ‘banned’ means

          I think you’re misreading their disagreement with you by assuming your statement is a binary of “this person has guns or not”. They’re addressing the dimension of “why do we have harmful weapons designed to kill people as part of the fabric of society”.
          Whether or not this particular person should have access to guns is not the only interesting question.

  • @BassaForte
    104 months ago

    The only race war I’m interested in is one involving that BRZ in the background

  • @RedAggroBest
    64 months ago

    Stay fuckin trashy Yavapai. I wish people like this were less common there and over in Mohave county (Would recommend looking up “Kingman Mosque” for a really great Sacha Baron Cohen bit). The desert, like desert desert, not Phoenix desert, drives people insane. The sun baked their brains.

    -Coconino Resident

  • @SupraMario
    24 months ago

    Dude looks like the biggest FUDD out there. Fucking mosin and a sks with an internal box mag lol what a fuckin tool. Hopefully he gets to live out the rest of his short life in a concrete box.

  • @essell
    24 months ago

    Helter Skelter 😮