Hear me out: if someone believes in horoscopes, they know what each sign mean. Which means they recognise themselves into a sign. Which means they will mostly act in ways to conform to that sign, giving you a way to figure that person out. The sign tells it all, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  • @qooqie
    159 months ago

    The title is unpopular, but your explanation is reasonable imo

  • @breadsmasher
    139 months ago

    Horoscopes don’t tell you shit. Someone saying “I believe in horoscopes” is what tells you their personality

  • @takeheart
    129 months ago

    In my experience the big problem is not people self ascribing personality types but type casting others. When you expect others to have certain traits you also treat them accordingly.

    I can’t believe she has trouble speaking in front of crowds, she’s a lion after all.

    Then again horoscopes aren’t unified or anything and you can just cherry pick from different sources and cultures to believe anything.

  • @[email protected]
    69 months ago

    Is this unpopular? Astrology people are definitely influenced by “what they should be” and will regularly lean into or excuse their own negative personality traits because of their sign. “Yah I’m unreasonably stubborn, but I’m a taurus what can you expect teehee”

    They’ll also project expectations and traits onto others before they even know them, if they get a hint of their sign.

  • @over_clox
    49 months ago

    I know absolutely nothing about the Zodiac, except they say I’m a Virgo.

    Ever wonder why there seems to be so many September birthdays? September is the 9th month, basically meaning the parents of Virgos were screwing somewhere around Christmas / New Year’s…

    • @Zehzin
      19 months ago

      Like Jesus intended

  • @TheIvoryTower
    49 months ago

    Cool idea, but I spent a lot of time amongst people who believed in star signs when I was young.

    They will say “Virgo: the most generous star sign, OMG that’s so me. I like, super generous”, despite the fact they have never given a cent in charity in their life.

    None of it influenced their behaviour apart from the ‘lucky numbers’, which probably got them buying a few more lotto tickets.

  • @Caesium
    19 months ago

    I know the signs because I was obsessed with Homestuck in middle school