A slow week for my existing games, as I played mostly multiplayer games this week.

Tried some Star Wars: Hunters, it’s a free-to-play 4v4 multiplayer game, that is only on mobiles and Switch. I saw the free-to-play and completely ignored the game, but then heard the SwitchUp guy (don’t remember which one was it :S ) liking it, so gave it a try, and had lots of fun with it.

It may end up as a pay 2 win, but for now, you can unlock all characters without paying anything, and there is no way to get stronger by paying (other than maybe unlocking characters and maxing their levels quickly). I am not sure if I’ll play it too much, but it’s a fun game to jump in for a game or two when you aren’t in a mood to play a longer game, or just to pass some time.

Also played some Helldivers 2 on PS5, and while the game is fun, I couldn’t really get into it. Maybe because the friends I joined were all pretty high level and they pretty much carried me through the initial levels, so didn’t get to experience the nitty gritty of the game much. Even when I joined the randoms, they were all in their 30s when I was level 4. I’ll probably try it one or two more times to see if I can get into it, but right now it doesn’t seem like I’ll play it after that.

This weekend, I plan to get back to Dragon Age: Inquisition on PS and The Last Campfire on Switch. Hope to finish The Last Campfire as it’s a pretty small game and I think I am reaching the end.

What about all of you? What have you playing lately? And what do you plan to play this weekend?

  • @turnereturnal
    34 days ago

    Modded my wiiU, Ive been really enjoying Pikmin 3 so far

  • @Phelpssan
    5 days ago

    Crazy week at work so no gaming progress.

    I’d like to resume Senren * Banka during the weekend but we’ll see how it goes. Want to get a couple games out of my way ASAP because Trails through Daybreak is coming soon and it’ll definitely eat all my free time.

    • @slimerancherOPM
      14 days ago

      Happens. Hope you got time to play over the weekend,

  • @[email protected]
    35 days ago

    Ori 1 & 2. It’s on sale and I’ve never played it before. It’s a great Metroidvania. Also the music is in Bandcamp so I’ll buy that next.

    • @slimerancherOPM
      24 days ago

      I played Ori 1 recently and enjoyed it a lot. Not a perfect game, some sections / design choices felt a bit dated but other that, a very good game. And yean, the music is pretty nice.

  • @picandocodigoM
    46 days ago

    I played some Hunters too, and it was fun. I unlocked a few characters and then I kind of lost interest.

    I am currently playing Star Fox: Adventures on the Game Cube. I played it years ago but didn’t finish it so I started a new game to finish it.

    I also started Perfect Dark on the Switch. (again, I played it a lot on original hardware back in the day). It’s a good game, I always preferred it over Goldeneye. I don’t know if I’m going to finish it again, but it’d be really cool to relive some multiplayer battles!

    • @slimerancherOPM
      26 days ago

      I wanted to try Perfect Dark too, but went for Goldeneye first. Haven’t played it seriously yet, but did setup the controls and played the first mission a little bit.

      • @picandocodigoM
        16 days ago

        I tried playing with the Switch controller and I found it to be a nightmare 😅 I should try setting them up to see if I can make it work better. I have an old N64 controller where I installed the 8bitdo Mod Kit for the Switch. It feels way better, but the analogue stick is not in great condition so it’s not great for aiming. It’s still good enought I guess, but I’ll have to try setting up the controllers with the Switch Pro.

        • @slimerancherOPM
          25 days ago

          Someone mentioned it here too, I think. Basically switch to controller configuration 1.2 in the game, then in Switcn settings, swap the left and right sticks. That’s the general gist of it, though, there might be other changes too.

  • @[email protected]
    36 days ago

    I blasted through Zero Mission and I’m going to work my way through Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages this weekend. All three games are excellent

    • @slimerancherOPM
      26 days ago

      That’s nice. I just finished The Lamp Campfire and started Ocarina of Time, for the first time ever!

      • @[email protected]
        36 days ago

        Oh man, I hope you have a good time with it. It’s a superb game, but I’ll admit I’ve had pretty rough experiences revisiting it during the last decade. You just have to get used to the fairly outdated aspects, and stick with it. Good luck

        • @slimerancherOPM
          25 days ago

          Yeah, I have just left the forest, and the game is still fun. My biggest issue right now is the controls on Switch. Not a deal breaker though, at least not yet.

      • @[email protected]
        36 days ago

        I’ll probably finish OoT this weekend. I didn’t play the N64 original, but I had the disc that came with Wind Waker on Gamecube, so I’d played it once before. I find the controls on the Switch really awkward at times, particularly using the right analogue as the c buttons and the desire to use that as a way to move the camera instead. But still an enjoyable play. I had to look up a guide when I was stumped on how to progress sometimes as well.

        • @slimerancherOPM
          35 days ago

          I have to agree about the controls, and have the same issue with right analogue and c buttons.

          I am still super early, so haven’t gotten stuck anywhere, let’s see how long that lasts.

          • @picandocodigoM
            25 days ago

            I look forward to reading your comments about OoT next week!