• @mPony
    403 months ago

    Americans: be sure to make snide comments about them while it’s still legal for you to do so.

    Gilead is calling.

    • The Pantser
      43 months ago

      The og Buzzfeed list, some say one of the worst.

  • @Mostly_Gristle
    393 months ago

    Yes. Let’s hear about Christian morals from miss Adultery McPublicHandjob.

    Guess she never made it all the way to #7.

    It’s so embarrassing that she represents my state.

  • mozz
    203 months ago

    It’s always the slovenly and bad who are the most vocal about how we need virtue to come back.

    It makes a certain type of sense tbh. “Look at me. I grew up in this society, and I am an unrepentant whore and shrill harpy with nothing at all to recommend me. My whole family are trashy and malicious in a way that makes even the normal functioning of day to day interaction a painful and humiliating reminder. If there is one thing that I know without fail that we need more of in this society, it is morality and decency to one another.”

  • mad_asshatter
    203 months ago
    1. Thou shalt keep hankies handy for handies.
    133 months ago

    I fully support the Ten Commandments going up in every classroom across the nation…

    right next to a totally bitchin statue of Baphomet

  • @bcgm3
    133 months ago

    Going by her own example, they don’t seem to be very effective at preventing unchristlike behavior.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      All you have to do is redefine "christian-like behavior " to be whatever you want it to be, regardless of what the Bible says.

      Though the bible has enough vagueness and contradiction that you can usually find something in there to support almost any position…

  • @librejoe
    123 months ago

    Delusional american Christians at it again.

    • @m13
      83 months ago


      • @librejoe
        13 months ago

        Pope Francis is Picard facepalming at this.

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    This feels like a distraction from anything that actually affects people’s lives. Rile up the base, get opposition talking about the thing they want to focus on

  • Feliskatos 🐱
    103 months ago

    I find myself wondering if I should pity them. They were likely given these commandments by their parents or churches when they were children, and never bothered to inwardly reflect on them, rather just uncritically accept them – even as they don’t follow them themselves.

  • @Paragone
    43 months ago

    “Those who call themselves ‘Christian’, but are the church of satan” is the updated-to-our-century rendition of THIS, from their own bible:

    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 2%3A9&version=AMP

    IF “The 2nd Coming of Christ” actually happens,

    THEN they’re going to be gunning to obliterate his life, exactly like The Book of Revelations states they will be.

    ( I’m presuming that the guy on the “white horse” representing Purity, with the double-edged blade of Cutting True Speech is the “2nd Coming of Christ” in that book )

    _ /\ _

  • @Burn_The_Right
    23 months ago

    For some reason, Boebert keeps pointing out that jacking someone off in a theater full of children is NOT on the list.