Photos by Scott Winkler

I have been hearing a Great Horned Owl hooting since winter. A couple of evenings ago I saw him sunning himself in our backyard and then he flew to a branch along the woods. I took all 200 pics of him from our deck!! He was very photogenic giving me many profiles!

    • anon6789OP
      3 months ago

      In this recent post I covered a story about how climate change is actually doing just that! Individuals and groups have been constructing properly designed owl houses for years now to help them. What some were finding though is that these time tested designs are now killing owls in some places due to changing climates. They are now testing new designs and materials to deal with a changing world.

      I also have this comment where I discuss “gular fluttering,” which is the bird version of panting. The gular is full of blood vessels, so by rapidly pushing air over it, it functions as a heat exchanger. On my trip to the raptor rehab this week, almost all of them were doing just that.

  • Optional
    63 months ago

    ksshhk Ahhhh roger that, oscar whiskey lima niner niner five oh you are cleared for takeoff

    • anon6789OP
      43 months ago

      Now I want an owl version of Flight Simulator!

  • @Chetzemoka
    23 months ago

    Omg what an absolute goofball. Makes me want to stalk my neighborhood GHO. I need to see what it looks looks now.

    • anon6789OP
      23 months ago

      I’m terrible at pinpointing the source of my GHO hooting. I settle for being happy just knowing it’s there. I heard one over here at the beach the other morning too. It’s watching over me. 🦉

      • @Chetzemoka
        23 months ago

        Mine is definitely in the trees across the street from me. But that doesn’t narrow it down much haha

        You have been blessed by the owl gods with your own guardian, it would seem! Highly appropriate

        • anon6789OP
          23 months ago

          I do my best to stay in their good graces!