• finley
    3024 months ago

    it’s crazy how conservatives are just an opposition party. Are the dems for something? Then conservatives must be against it!

    they’re all just children with severe behavioral disorders

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      1094 months ago

      I always say conservatives have oppositional defiant disorder. How else could you constantly oppose things that everyone else thinks are a better way to live?

      • @[email protected]
        564 months ago

        Conservatives often answer polls in favor of positive things, but publicly state their opposition to Democrats trying to do those things and elect Republicans who actively tear down anything that works. It is madness.

        • dactylotheca
          304 months ago

          Conservatives often answer polls in favor of positive things

          Because they see themselves as good, reasonable people. They don’t act like it, but they believe they do.

          • @[email protected]
            104 months ago

            That and they want things as long as the Dems aren’t the ones who get credit for doing it.

      • Maeve
        144 months ago

        I have real issues with whether ODD is real, but I thought the same thing.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Conservatives don’t have ODD. They’ve just taken individualism to its logical conclusion and declared anything that remotely inconveniences or challenges them - whether real or perceived - is absolutely unacceptable.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            I think you’re giving them too much credit. It’s not a philosophy that they’ve just taken too far. They’re just fed a constant stream of hate and propaganda that even if they think they like an idea, republicans just give it a name with the word “democrat” or “socialism” attached and start talking about how “THE LEFT WANTS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM TO LET LITTLE KIDS STARVE” and then suddenly they’re pro little kids starving.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              I think you’re over interpreting the “just” here. This behavior is horrible and destructive for society. Let me be crystal clear there.

              The point is that the US puts this heavy emphasis on “rugged individualism“ that a lot of other countries do not. This leads to an inherently selfish outlook that over-prioritizes my convenience/comfort.

              We have a cultural problem, not an epidemic of some psychological classification/disorder/etc.

    • @ghostdoggtv
      394 months ago

      They’re an opposition party that’s prevented the people of the United States from passing any significant legislation since 2010. We don’t have a country anymore.

      Americans are a stateless people thanks to dark money. Buckle up.

        • @ghostdoggtv
          84 months ago

          That government doesn’t really serve the people. Does it serve us to stop women from having abortions? Does it serve us to allow housing to be an investment vehicle?

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            (This is a question about your perspective and not a gotcha)

            When has a state served the people? Is it no longer a state if it’s like most of them?

            • @ghostdoggtv
              34 months ago

              Last time approximately 2010, when the Obama administration got some kind of health care bill through Congress and Mitch McConnell decided to respond by completely destroying the representative democracy I was just talking about.

    • @andros_rex
      314 months ago

      The way that people react to safety guidelines like rebellious teenagers would be almost hilarious if it didn’t get them killed.

      I see so many “rebel canners” that are proud that they do shit like dry canning, because the FDA tells them not to. It’s so cool to get botulism because you don’t like daddy government telling you what to do.

      The mask bans seem to be that same kind of childish reaction - “you made us wear masks! We’re going to make you not wear masks!”

    • Refurbished Refurbisher
      304 months ago

      The GOP’s entire idiology is “trigger the libs” and “enrich the wealthy even more”

      Ironically, people in the GOP cult are very easy to trigger, but they will never admit it.

    • @[email protected]
      194 months ago

      they’re all just children with severe behavioral disorders

      I understand the intent of what you are saying, but please don’t call them all children. They aren’t. They are adults who should know better and should think critically and are fully responsible for their actions. I think it’s important to call them out and describe them exactly as they are.

    • @[email protected]
      144 months ago

      This is what being a reactionary actually is. It’s not saying “completely tearing down the status quo will hurt a lot of people we wish to protect.” It’s saying"I have no ideology besides opposing you."

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      Well before covid, I knew Republicans would politicize almost anything. Covid made me realize I was wrong, because they will politicize literally anything, even a fucking virus.

  • @teamevil
    4 months ago

    Look I fucking hated the masks but also get why we needed them and wore mine. Why the fuck does anyone care if someone else is wearing one…that for them. It like being offended someone is wearing Jordans…it’s not your feet.

    Leave people be and if I’m afraid I’m going to catch the plague then I’m wearing a mask.

    And people can say what they will about effectiveness All I know is for 2 years I wore one and didn’t catch a damn cold.

    • @[email protected]
      944 months ago

      Why the fuck does anyone care if someone else is wearing one

      It’s because all people are emotional first, and many people are stupid, too.

      Seeing a mask makes them think about the pandemic, disease, mortality, death, all that heavy stuff. That feels bad. Rather than deal with that in a healthy way, they can just lash out at the thing that’s bringing the bad-feels to the foreground. That is stupid. That’s yelling at the smoke detector instead of doing something about the fire.

      Accepting that wearing a mask is a reasonable choice means accepting a bunch of other uncomfortable things.

      This can also go down the “in group good, outgroup bad” route. Belief is social. People do shit to feel like they’re part of the group. Somehow wearing masks became political.

      • @sudo42
        654 months ago

        Somehow wearing masks became political.

        It was Trump.

      • @shalafi
        154 months ago

        Amazing summation, hit every point perfectly. Bravo.

      • @Bytemeister
        64 months ago

        Yeah, as someone who still frequently wears a mask, I occasionally get comments, but telling the person off because they have no idea that my partner/child/sister/mom/grandparents may have compromised immune systems usually shuts them the fuck up.

    • @ameancow
      4 months ago

      All I know is for 2 years I wore one and didn’t catch a damn cold.

      I’ve cohabited with someone with a major immunity problem and had to take normal, established-before-covid guidelines for making sure I don’t bring back a virus that would kill someone I care about. I wore a mask for months going out, washed my hands, avoided crowds. Never got sick.

      So that was before covid. Imagine how it feels seeing the whole world be advised to do the same thing, and absolutely losing their collective mind about it, while millions of people died.

      It will never make sense. I mean, logically I have studied psychology and have come to understand the mechanics of people’s irrational, emotional reactions. What doesn’t make sense is how we elected a clown that led our nation in the direction of chaos and followed his example.

      • @teamevil
        154 months ago

        Like for real what is the point of it it’s like banning flip-flops that are blue it doesn’t affect anyone of something person wearing the mask. If I’m not making you have to wear a mask when you go outside then shut up about it man. If I feel safer wearing when I feel safer wearing one it’s not the end of the world I feel safe wearing a hat sometimes… We’re not going to ban all hats it’s my choice to wear the damn hat… If I want to wear a mask I can wear a mask.

        • @sudo42
          134 months ago

          I fully expect that when they’ve run out of culture war ideas, current Republicans will start demanding that cars of a certain color can only park in certain spots or drive in certain lanes.

          • @Melvin_Ferd
            104 months ago

            I find they never do. We all just rotate things in and out every few years

            • @ConHoliousDonFrankle
              24 months ago

              Yeah, the point of their politics is to start the sheep stampeding from one fear to the next, ignoring their own needs while hurting everyone around them.

              • @Melvin_Ferd
                04 months ago

                I often self reflect and see just as much bullshit from my own house. The point of their politics is independence. Driven by the sense of the frontiersman in their chuck wagon. The mentality that only they can take care of them selves and government is there to take away rather than help. The left is more of a garrison mentality where everybody’s actions affects each other and if any step out of line they must be thrown out beyond the walls because without working together we don’t survive the winter. Especially with assholes trying to take all rations a provisions for themselves.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            I fully expect that when they’ve run out of culture war ideas, current Republicans will start demanding that cars of a certain color can only park in certain spots or drive in certain lanes.

            They will find a way to associate one or two specific colors with either the queer community or antifa (red and black anyone) - and that will be how it starts.

        • @ameancow
          24 months ago

          I hope our history books in the future really lean hard into how stupid the population was this century.

          Haha, just kidding, I know there likely won’t be any history books or people. lol.

          • @teamevil
            24 months ago

            Well you have to be able to read for the books to be worth a damn

      • @Veneroso
        124 months ago

        Or how it’s a coin flip if he gets a second chance…

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      254 months ago

      You have to get into the mindset: this isn’t about making sense, it’s about retribution/revenge. During the pandemic, there was a period where to go certain places you had to wear a mask and/or be vaccinated. That was because there was data saying those things inhibited the spread of the virus, but many conservatives felt they shouldn’t have to because of personal freedom. Now they feel turnabout is fair play, and are saying you can’t go certain places if you’re wearing a mask. It doesn’t matter that they argued for personal freedom, this is retribution.

      It used to be that antivax people held those views because they thought vaccinations caused bad things. Those people still exist, but now there are a bunch for whom it’s all about personal freedom, and only because they were told they had to get a COVID vaccine.

      • @Wrench
        44 months ago

        Exactly it. My libertarian frienemy in one breath will tell you how he bought up a bunch of N95 masks before the lockdown, specifically going against the WHO’s (or was it CDC?) advice to not horde masks back in 2020. Then in the next, he’ll tell you how you’re afraid of life if you wore a mask during the lockdown. And then he went out of his way to make sure his kid was the only kid not required to wear a mask once schools opened up again, forbid his wife from vaccinating their son, etc.

        It had nothing to do with science. He just went against whatever was recommended. For freedums or something.

        • AFK BRB Chocolate
          44 months ago

          Exactly. If the CDC or scientific community had said that only medical practitioner should ever wear masks, all the conservatives would have been wearing them. Of course, in that scenario, liberals wouldn’t have.

          Their only philosophical ideals are obstruction, retribution, and contrarianism.

    • @barsquid
      254 months ago

      Cannot facial recognize the plebs if they are wearing a mask.

      • @teamevil
        54 months ago

        Don’t give a flying shit about that useless boondoggle homeland security their anit American goal or objective fu k them, they should be disbanded and sent to work at dollar general.

    • @multifariace
      -144 months ago

      It’s so they don’t look racist when they are afraid of being robbed and tell a black person to take off a mask.

      • @Bytemeister
        34 months ago

        It’s about a political as glasses, braces, crutches, wheelchairs, insulin pumps, or any other exterior medical devices. Fuck off with that false equivalency bullshit.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Not to anyone except these crybullies. A crude hat would be crude for some visible reason other than being a hat.

        A mask is only political to these assholes trying to stop people from wearing it, and during the pandemic it was only political to the same assholes who couldn’t recognize that their personal freedom didn’t extend to increasing risks to the immunocompromised, elderly, and others who were at high risk.

        The freedom they demanded then would have had health implications for people around them, and the freedom they are trying to take away now has health implications for many of the people still choosing to mask up.

        • @brucethemoose
          24 months ago

          I dunno. I felt judged whenever I was walking around wearing a mask. One time I put one on when some guy walked up to me when I was walking my dog, and it kinda started an argument. A tow truck driver literally told me masks were government control devices before he jumped our car.

          I felt like I was masking alone sometimes, like I was offending the public for doing it.

          Just because that’s absurd doesn’t mean masses of people didn’t see masking as political. To me, it was kinda hard to ignore.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Just because that’s absurd doesn’t mean masses of people didn’t see masking as political. To me, it was kinda hard to ignore.

            They made it political. Your wearing of the mask was not political. (based on your description anyhow)

            • @brucethemoose
              24 months ago

              No, I never meant for it to be. I just wanted to stay alive and not give covid to someone else like, you know, someone sane.

              But alas I didn’t want it to be political, but it was. I could assert that all I want, and it doesn’t change the community I had to interact with.

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                I see your point, I’m just saying that’s on them, not you. You took a reasonable action.

      • Victoria Antoinette
        4 months ago

        i came here from the modlog and i just want to say that i think the removal is fine(ish), and the comment to which i’m replying is, basically, wrong, but the mod’s explanation is also wrong and needs to be called out.

        everything is political, even birth control, and it would be even if no one was trying to ban it (though i think it was inevitable that this is the case). birth control is a means by which people who can become pregnant can actively choose to prevent that. pregnancy comes with a variety of political expectations and consequences, and so choosing to prevent pregnancy is political.

        as for the mask thing, i do think that there are some very-online right wingers who would have the same analysis as the user to whom i am responding, but, in fact, that reasoning is a desire to avoid political entanglement, so it is not actually an explanation of how masking is political. it’s also not the case that wearing the mask is carrying a banner for fauci, although i believe there are factions on the right who see it this way.

        so, to reiterate, removing was fine (though probably unnecessary), the commenter is a dum dum, but the mod doesn’t know what “political” means and that is a really bad omen for this sub.

        • @brucethemoose
          4 months ago

          It was a late night comment in bad taste, yeah.

          But as a devil’s advocate, it was just my observation of where I live in the US. I was trying to convery the general mood around me, and it was very toned down from what my neighbors actually said and did at the height of the pandemic. For reference, my neighbor had an anti mask party when covid was raging, and they were very liberal for this neighborhood… it still kind of boggles my mind.

          I meant to present it as something absurd, not an opinion that I thought was reasonable.

  • Psaldorn
    1254 months ago

    Your personal right to not spread germs is being taken away.

    And the idiots cheer for it. It really is unfathomable.

    • wildncrazyguy138
      574 months ago

      It puts the whole climate change “controversy” in perspective for me. It’s not controversial, these people just have a death wish. It’s best if we just move along without them, where possible, and don’t let them get in our way.

      • @Breezy
        134 months ago

        You made a good point. There are definitely people who are actively trying to ruin the world, and that is a direct threat to mine yours and every one elses life. So then getting rid of these people should fall under self defense.

          • Techranger
            4 months ago

            Except one group was clearly attacked and murdered based on unfounded racist fear and nationalism eager for “others” to feed the fascist machine, and the other group willingly chose to abandon critical thinking and defy the recommendations of the medical science community doing its level best to fight a novel and deadly contagion. The Jews were “asked” to wear yellow stars and rounded up because of who they were. That was indefensible. The Communists were rounded up because they were political opponents of the NSDAP. That was indefensible. Modern citizens across the world were required or asked to wear masks, observe a larger personal space bubble, and quarantine for the safety of everyone by governments large and small across the world in an effort to protect everyone from a virus that doesn’t know or care about the political leanings of its victims. Individuals willingly defiant of such measures intentionally and recklessly put everyone’s health and safety at risk, to deadly effect in some cases. That is indefensible.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              Those two groups, among others, were clearly attacked and murdered on the basis of fear that these people were going to destroy their way of life.

              That was exactly the argument against those groups. It was based on fear. It was based on the idea of saving the world from evil people, and it became the yardstick of evil.

              Be careful about whipping out your justifications to separate your actions from the Nazis’ on arbitrary grounds. The key factor is that, for fear of over privileged groups destroying their nation, they made the decision to oppose them brutally, and that turned into the Holocaust.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      224 months ago

      I’ll never understand why they’re so psychotic about masks. What do you care about someone else protecting their health if they see fit?

  • @[email protected]
    1164 months ago

    I was at a theme park yesterday and got harassed because my wife and I were wearing masks while waiting in line for rides. I have a kidney transplant and my wife had cancer in 2016 so we’re both immunocompromised. Just whose fun are we ruining?

    • @[email protected]
      204 months ago

      There was a little town next to where i work, and every year they have a “funny” theme. That year it was global warming, and they set up some mannequins that wore winter clothing, but also scuba gear. They were alse wearing masks, because it was middle of covid.

      Even if i was just driving by or just stopped shortly there, i saw on multiple occasions how people ripped the masks of the mannequins angrily and threw it on the ground. Masks somehow are very offensive to people.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        God. I still think had Trump just said, “Listen to Dr. Fauci” and printed up a billion “Trump 2020” masks, he would have been elected again in a landslide. And we probably would have had far fewer dead people, too.

        Edit to clarify: I don’t like him at all. He’s an idiot, an asshole, a racist, and a bunch of other things. I’m just saying he had an easy path to reelection but his ego couldn’t handle it.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        Masks somehow are very offensive to people.

        Somewhere deep down they know that they were wrong and that those death numbers are partly on them. Many of them knew people who died and are likely the potential connection in the chain that killed them.

        Rather than realize they were wrong and try to make up for it they turn incredibly hateful towards it in extreme denial. If they admit masks work then they admit they killed their friends and family for nothing

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Similar story with my wife. She had cancer and should not catch something as serious as Covid. So, everytime we are among a lot of people, ecpecially in places with bad ventilation, we wear masks.

      I haven’t kept count how many times we were talked to about that. The amount of conspiracy mythics among them was rather high. And not always were people polite.

      This is really idiotic. As if even other diseases, which required such precautions, haven’t existed before. Too many stupid people around.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      It’s amazing how the people who are expressing their freedom not to wear a mask get really offended by people who express their freedom by wearing a mask.

      It’s starting to make me think it’s not about freedom…

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      14 months ago

      I live in Canada. Maybe it’s different in the small towns, but I’ve only had one person bitch at me for masking and that’s because he has a brain injury largely. I can’t imagine what the US is like.

  • @Stupidmanager
    774 months ago

    Let me fix that for you doc: Signs you shouldn’t eat at a restaurant because it’s likely unsafe, getting banned from entering because you’re wearing a mask.

    • @sudo42
      4 months ago

      Nobody’s gonna tell us we have to wash our hands before handling other people’s food!

      I forgot the comedian’s name, but he had a bit about Confederate flags in the south. He said he found them useful because they told him which places he should avoid. That way he didn’t waste time expecting them to act normal.

      It’s self-labeling… unfortunately similar to nutcases flying American flags on pickup trucks.

    • @Serinus
      214 months ago

      I was traveling recently and got so many dirty looks for wearing a mask, only one at O’Hare.

      And then I didn’t wear it enough and caught covid for the first time. (I should have known better in cramped tourists spots). Then I had a reason to wear it, especially while temporarily homeless.

      • @teamevil
        4 months ago

        I don’t care what anyone says I hated wearing the mask when I had to wear it but I didn’t catch COVID when I was wearing a mask. I know people say masks don’t work but I didn’t catch so much as a cold for the two years I had to wear the damn thing so if wearing a mask is going to keep me from the plague I’ll take the freaking ugly looks from the unwashed masses that are stupid as shit.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
          114 months ago

          Masks certainly do work. Hospitals used them for decades pre pandemic for a reason.

          • @teamevil
            4 months ago

            You know you just said that and it is literally the first time it has ever occurred to me. Because I hear these people make the masks don’t work argument and okay fine they don’t work sure I didn’t get COVID or sick while I was using one though…

            And to point out that hospitals use them and it does significantly reduce infection. Why the hell would anyone care what anyone else is wearing…

            Like for example I like monster magnet… They are a b level stoner rock band that I thoroughly enjoy and they gladly talk about drugs and evil and whatnot in a dumb stoner rock story way right. I have a shirt on the back of it says it’s a satanic drug thing you wouldn’t understand… I don’t wear that shirt out often or ever yet because quite frankly I feel like it’d be inappropriate to wear because there’s kids and polite company about. I’ll wear it to a death metal show if I’m going to go to one but I’m not going to wear it on an average Tuesday. As long as it doesn’t affect anyone else why would you care In this case my shirt could be offensive to people and I understand it and that’s why I don’t necessarily wear it. But a mask doesn’t offend anyone unless the front of the mask says something asinine… If people want to wear masks let them who cares

              • @teamevil
                34 months ago

                You are a friend… If you like monster magnet I can send you tons of an amazing amount of really good music in that same vein…

            • Enkrod
              44 months ago

              Because I hear these people make the masks don’t work argument

              The thing is that they hear doctors say “Masks don’t reliably protect against disease” and go “masks don’t work”, but what the doctors say is “they aren’t 100% reliable, so don’t use it as the only method of protection”.

              But if wearing a mask vs not wearing a mask lowers your risk of infection by 50%, that’s a huge deal! And with the way infections spread, that’s millions of prevented points of infection.

        • @Serinus
          64 months ago

          A friend’s kid brought home Covid and they didn’t catch it because they masked up for a few days in their house.

          • @teamevil
            54 months ago

            At one point in Dec of 21, five folks all had it, all near me. Masks suck and rule at the same time.

        • @Serinus
          184 months ago

          It does both. Others more than you, yes, but it does help both ways.

          • @voracitude
            174 months ago

            Huh, looked it up, TIL. Blame the disinformation campaigns 🤷‍♀️

            • @Serinus
              84 months ago

              I had actually bought masks in 2018 because I was tired of getting sick every third flight. And then chickened out and didn’t wear them because it just wasn’t done at the time, at least outside of Asia.

              Ended up donating that box to my primary care when supplies were short at the beginning of Covid.

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                Yeah a friend of mine noted one good thing out of COVID was that wearing a mask would be normalized here in the US. (She is susceptible to respiratory issues, so she has to be careful.)

                Unfortunately…we did not see the current idiot backlash coming.

  • @[email protected]
    594 months ago

    I say it every day: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS!

    We have those assholes to thank for this… Gotta keep Republican voters, what better way than to make them frothing with rage at whatever Democrats suggest we do…

    • @[email protected]
      234 months ago

      On the flip side, this is precisely why I say .ml needs to be dealt with swiftly. They protect hexbears, and hexbears openly state that they are engaged in information warfare with the rest of the fediverse. They are literally over here protecting right wing propagandists and everyone is like “well ok just don’t click on their shit if you don’t want to see it.”

      Yeah, I’m not worried about myself falling for this nonsense. I’m worried about my family and coworkers doing shit like this because they are taking the internet seriously.

    • modifier
      -54 months ago

      I share your hatred but that likely isn’t what is happening here.

      Put simply, someone fucked up. At an airport, the competing concerns of health and security are in their most extreme tension. For some reason, someone on staff skewed security when they should have skewed health.

      There is no excuse for it, and guaranteed it has already been resolved or soon will be. This is in one of the busiest international airports in the world, and masks are still very common in air travel, particularly from countries like Japan - and I believe this restaurant is even in the terminal that ANA flies into. Restaurants simply cannot afford rent if they intentionally impose restrictions like that on their customers.

    • @Veneroso
      54 months ago

      Yes! It’s cooking between cows and farm hands.

      Little bit of pig and it’s all over.

      By the time the deniers realize that it’s actually a threat… Well, those progressive policies might actually become law.

  • @FreakinSteve
    484 months ago

    This is what happens when you don’t club fascist idiots with baseball bats whenever you see them. Now tell me about how we have to protect their “free speech”.

    • @iopq
      -34 months ago

      How would you know who the fascist is unless their free speech is protected?

      • @[email protected]
        204 months ago

        Notice “free speech” is in scare quotes. The previous comment isn’t suggesting that free speech should not be protected. But rather they referring to the fact that many fascists claim that to criticize them, or to refuse to promote their views is to stifle their free speech.

      • @[email protected]
        84 months ago

        The same way my ilk once dealt with organized scabs, torture out of the first few and them shootup thei meating place.

      • @FreakinSteve
        4 months ago

        Why would you want to know who the fascists are? If you do then that means you gave them power. In the US fascists not only have free speech protections, they have greater free speech rights than anyone on the left. They were given- through federal legislation- the power to control all media outlets. Fascists will never allow leftists to have a platform. Centrists will never allow it either. There is no practical reason at all for the left to defend free speech for Nazis, yet they continue to do so.

        • @iopq
          14 months ago

          To cancel them, obviously. Nobody who’s a fascist should have a job

  • @[email protected]
    464 months ago

    Yeah, taking precautions to protect your health and the health of other does sound like anti-freedom. Is it still legal to wash your hands in the USA, or are they cracking down on that too? It’s surprising that kind of stuff was allowed to continue for so long.

    • @Bytemeister
      144 months ago

      Only thing that is approved is full spectrum light bulb up the ass, and Lysol shots with a Clorox chaser.

      • @TrueStoryBob
        54 months ago

        If you can’t afford Clorox, store-brand bleach is fine.

        • @Bytemeister
          64 months ago

          Classic Antifa/leftist/woke propaganda trying to destroy America. Corporations are people, especially the ones that donate/have financial ties to politicians

  • @Snapz
    414 months ago

    Stop posting shit without visible dates…

  • Flying Squid
    314 months ago

    I would appreciate the warning to absolutely not eat in that restaurant.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      44 months ago

      Exactly. I’m fine with avoiding it forever.