I know it’s tragically pedestrian; and I know there’s supposed to be a 4 in 2025; and I also know there’s many a slip twixt cup and lip, and the gaming industry is going through some pretty radical changes… but all I really want is another Borderlands.

There’s not much they can do with it, not many places to go, and I’m sure everyone who’s worked on the series over the years is thoroughly sick of it. But, damn. Every one of the main games (at least; I haven’t loved every in-between spin-off) has his a sweet spot of mindless fun, funniness, and replay-ability. I’ve played 3 so many times through, and spent so many hours just running around in every location, even I can’t work up much enthusiasm to fire it up anymore.

There’s an occasional game that fills the same niche; Bullet Storm was pretty fun, but with low replay-ability. I just want a game where I can turn off the higher brain functions and run around killing stuff in interesting ways.

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.

  • @FinishingDutch
    8 months ago

    Borderlands is a straight up dopamine injection for my brain. You shoot someone, damage numbers go up, brain gets all happy. It’s dumb, but I fucking love it. I also love the writing, the characters, the level designs… it’s exactly the type of gaming comfort food that I enjoy.

    Moar Borderlands!

  • @Vinny_93
    108 months ago

    It was my first game in the RPG story driven games. I started with Borderlands 2 as Maya, but I’ve since played them all with a buddy of mine. I’ve played as almost every character in every game.

    My take is that the Pre-Sequel is vastly underrated. We needed more of Jack and we got it.

    • @PapaStevesy
      58 months ago

      The Pre-Sequel is a lot of fun, love the jump packs and lasers. I still try to double-jump sometimes in the other games.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        If you’re into that try Destiny 2. Good gun play and double jump. I’m finding it really good the void

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    Just to rub it in, I finally played my first couple hours of borderlands today, so it’s all ahead of me.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    Hey there, I’ve been playing borderlands a few days now.

    It reminds me a lot of outer worlds, which I absolutely loved and played through twice.

    You might want to give that a try.