Here’s the code in question:

For some reason, this is not evaluating correctly, and even when g DOES equal Male, it can still be selected. This is happening with other parts of the generator too. I’ve also tried putting it in ^[if (g != "Male") {1} else {0}] format, but that has the same issue.

Anyone have any ideas? I did try reloading the page just in case it was a stored info thing, but alas.

  • VioneTM
    3 months ago

    You have the items in gender to be male, female, nonbinary, etc., and not Male, Female, Nonbinary in which you are checking male to Male which is not equal/same, you need to have the dynamic odds check lowercased.

    Lesbian^[g == "female" || g == "nonbinary"]
    Lesbian^[g != "male"]