• @Cypher
    61 year ago

    More good moves from Dan Andrews.

    Shame he hasn’t done anything to stop illegal logging though.

  • @hitmyspot
    51 year ago

    I wonder if those firms will be held responsible for the costs their misinformation incurred. If they don’t stand by them, what’s the point in contracting them to do it. They may as well make the numbers up.

  • morry040
    1 year ago

    This quote was interesting from the Deputy Premier on ABC Radio Melbourne:

    Jacinta Allan said the higher than expected costs became apparent to the government in recent weeks.

    “We’ve been going through a tender process, we’ve been going through market soundings, where you’re presented with the actuals — not the estimates,” she said.

    The deputy premier said the original $2.6 billion budget estimate was figured out by consulting firms engaged by the government, including EY.

    Apparently, the government has no idea how to budget properly and then needs to spend money on consultants to check the numbers.