(not mine)

  • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
    3 months ago

    Meanwhile, my neighbor kicked my dog, threatened to shoot my other dog, and then came onto my property and threatened to hurt me in front of my kids. To this day, he’s confused about why I don’t want to be his friend or talk to him.

    …all because my little dog smelled his chicken, which he didn’t even have enclosed, which is the law

    • @[email protected]
      573 months ago

      He came on your property and threatened you with physical violence?

      How did that not end with the cops? You would be well in your rights to defend yourself

      • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
        333 months ago

        It did. But they said WE were in the wrong because our dogs were unleashed.

        • @[email protected]
          273 months ago


          That may be true, but unleashed dogs and loose chickens do not permit someone to trespass and threaten, especially when you are supervising children. (Implication being if you are the supervisor/parent, and harmed, the children are left vulnerable with the aggressor.)

        • BlanketsWithSmallpox
          113 months ago

          You have to leash your dogs on your own property? I’ve never heard of such a thing.

          • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
            83 months ago

            Their yard wasn’t enclosed, so our dog got into his yard to smell his chickens. We were told our dog needed to be leashed or in a fenced-in yard. Meanwhile, they apparently didn’t have to.

            • @[email protected]
              133 months ago

              Sounds like his animals were staying on his property and yours were not. You were in the wrong. He overreacted but don’t let your pets wander on other people’s property.

              • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
                53 months ago

                Legally, he’s supposed to have his chickens fenced in. Just like we are supposed to have a fenced in yard, actually. So we’re both actually “wrong”. Barging into my property threatening to hurt me in front of my kids isn’t simply an “overreaction” either.

            • @iAvicenna
              33 months ago

              build a two meter wooden fence so you dont ever see their face again, problem solved

    • Brickardo
      73 months ago

      …all because my little dog smelled his chicken, which he didn’t even have enclosed, which

      Yup we’re clearly missing some obvious piece of context in here

      • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
        3 months ago

        He was drunk. His yard was legally supposed to be enclosed, just like mine. My dogs used to go to his house all the time and play (he would intentionally let them come to his house and play with his dogs and vice versa)Yes, even with his chickens out, which my dogs peacefully interacted with numerous times.

    • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
      3 months ago

      A lot of people seem to be invested in this and need context. This happened a couple of years ago. He and I always had open door policies because our dogs were playmates. My dogs were used to going over there regularly, and they always played and were gentle with his chickens. My smaller dog went over there, just like he was so used to doing, smelled my neighbors chicken for about 2 seconds, then went to find his dog friend. My neighbor was very drunk, and kicked my small dog and tried saying he was going to “kill” his chickens, but we all watched as he just smelled his chicken, like he always did, and moved on. Then he threatened to shoot my husky, who wasn’t actually on their property, but outside of it, along with one of his chickens, which also wasn’t on his property. My husky sniffed the chicken and then ignored it. As he said that he was actively hopping the fence and on MY property. Then he got in my face and threatened to hurt me, all while my kids watched, simply because I told him his behavior was bullshit since all our animals were playmates, that they always came into his property and vice versa, and that hes even encouraged it, and gave them treats, just like we did with his dogs, and that his chickens are supposed to be enclosed and not wandering around (since it was now an issue for him). This was after we initially tried apologizing in a civil manner. He still did this. We called the cops, and they lied through their teeth (he and his wife) and said both my dogs attacked his chickens and drew blood (which 100% did NOT happen). Cops said we were in the wrong because our dogs need to be leashed, but again, we looked into it, and yes, even though we were lead to believe that our dogs were allowed over their anytime, our dogs cannot wander into someone else’s property, otherwise they have a right to shoot them I guess. But he was also in the wrong, because his animals weren’t in an enclosed area either. My partner refused to press charges because she said “he was just drunk” but I called bullshit and very much wanted to press charges.

      I thought he and I were cool before this. I let him hunt on my property, he would give us some of the things he’s grown, etc. Now I just ignore him and keep our animals leashed on our property. He keeps trying to be my friend. One day I had to tell him to leave me alone please, and he and his friend tried to threaten me again.

    • @StaySquared
      3 months ago

      So… why isn’t your neighbor in jail?

      He assault your family member (pet).

      Threatened to injure, possibly kill the other family member.

      Got onto your property and threatened violence against you.

      Chit isn’t adding up.

      • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
        33 months ago

        Because my partner refused to press charges. I was all for it actually

    • @pigup
      53 months ago

      Nah doesn’t look the same

    • @samus12345
      193 months ago

      Does whatever a sniper can

    • Flying Squid
      173 months ago

      Sniper-Man, Sniper-Man,

      Does whatever a Sniper can

      Shoots BBs any size,

      When converter thieves arrive.

      Look out, here comes the Sniper-Man

      Is he strong?

      Listen, bud-

      He’s got regular human blood.

      He can shoot at your head.

      You can run, you won’t be dead.

      Hey there, there goes the Sniper-Man

    • @YarHarSuperstar
      73 months ago

      Yeah! I can’t foresee any potential problems with that. It’s not like we have anybody else who is given guns and claim to “protect and serve”. Also I’m sure everybody would be very comfortable with always being watched from above through the optics of a high powered rifle.

      (To be clear I know you’re joking. Hence the thick layer of /s)

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Cops love the Punisher. They should be absolutely fine with a gun toting vigilante… right?

  • @[email protected]
    433 months ago

    I like how they intentionally crossed out the correctly spelled brand name that this fake note is trying to push.

    Some jacked on uppers marketing bro thinks he is a complete genius for this.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      Thought that was a generic term, so that’s nice. Xerox that trademark!

      If it’s real, RIP the person whose house the car was parked outside. The strap I’m most worried about is tucked into the losers’ waistbands.

  • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
    303 months ago

    Tangentially related: I was driving in kinda-rural SE Pennsylvania last year and I passed an auto repair place that had a big lit-up sign that said “WE BUY CATALYTIC CONVERTERS”. It was so blatant that I figured for sure it was a police honeypot, but if it wasn’t, that’s just all kinds of fucked up.

    • Flying Squid
      93 months ago

      It could be a police honeypot, but if it was a small town or something, they may just pay the cops off.

  • @Snapz
    263 months ago

    And that’s the last time I tried to change my own oil at the apartment complex…

    • @spoopy
      43 months ago

      Nah, just next time you’re stealing a cat, use floodlights and hi-viz, no one will even look at you.

  • @BonesOfTheMoon
    213 months ago

    Whoever this person is I will buy them a case of beer or whatever they want.

    Once when I worked in a pediatric hospital, a nurse went to drive home from the underground parking lot, and the car was making a terrible racket, so she went to the mechanic and her converter has been stolen. Like stealing from nurses at a pediatric hospital full of sick and dying children is pretty disgusting.

    • @Retrograde
      93 months ago

      Wow. That person should be subjected to a BB gun firing squad

  • @Illuminostro
    123 months ago

    Eagle Eye Dave. A true hero, and a real mensch.

  • @craigers
    93 months ago

    I like how they crossed out catstrap and rewrote catstrap. “no, that’s not what it’s called… Hey frank what’s that thing called to strap down the cat converter? A catstrap? Oh OK that was it…”

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      53 months ago

      Good tactic for selling car straps. Maybe he runs a catstrap company in the area.

  • @Sam_Bass
    83 months ago

    Would a bb do much at all? If i caught someone in that position i dont think a bb would be persuasive enough

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      253 months ago

      I’m not a thief, but I would probably stop whatever I was doing if I started getting pelted with BBs. Lol

      • @khannie
        163 months ago

        Also not a thief but I’ve seen what a BB does to flesh. Definitely in the “stop what you’re doing immediately” category.

    • @Bytemeister
      243 months ago

      Stings like a motherfucker, can break skin depending on the BB material and velocity. It also sends a clear message; I can see and hit you from here.

      • @Sam_Bass
        23 months ago

        I use .177cal steels at 400fps. Unless i could pop a nut, it would probably just annoy them

        • @Maalus
          103 months ago

          With the right bb gun, you shoot them in the cheek and they get to spit out the BB. Even airsoft guns can embed into your skin, lots of videos with people “popping a pimple” - squeezing out a bb from their forehead.

          • @Sam_Bass
            -33 months ago

            Umarex boy here. Airsoft is for kids

            • @Maalus
              73 months ago

              Kool. Doesn’t change the fact that it can indeed hurt someone, and a propper bb gun will do damage.

            • @SkyezOpen
              13 months ago

              Lol. Lmao even. Have you seen airsoft players?

      • Flying Squid
        03 months ago

        It can potentially take out an eye too. You won’t “shoot your eye out” like the kid is warned in a Christmas Story, but you could definitely shoot someone else’s eye out.

    • @[email protected]
      203 months ago

      Bro, bb guns shoot through metal buckets. My friends and I used to shoot bb guns at all sorts of objects. So yes. You could absolutely fuck someone up with a bb gun.

    • @[email protected]
      103 months ago

      Well you would also become aware that someone is watching you and not approving of what you are up to.

      Unless they’re going to kill you for whatever they want to steal that will usually deter them.

      • @iAvicenna
        3 months ago

        “I very much approve of what you are doing but I also like shooting people with BB guns. Please feel free to carry on with whatever you are doing while I shoot you in various limbs.”

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      It depends. A bed and bath is pretty relaxing. You’ll probably end up being friends afterwards.

      • @pikmeir
        23 months ago

        I mean they’ve got dynamite already so…

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Probably get stuck in your skin??? Probably? Have you ever shot a bb gun? That shit can go through thinner metal with ease. It can easily shoot through an aluminum bucket (both sides). I’m absolutely shocked at how many people here think bb guns are like airsoft guns. Ya’ll clearly have never used a bb gun. One shoots metal balls. The other shoots plastic.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          I have owned and shot many types of guns over the years including bb guns. I don’t normally shoot people with bb guns so I’m not sure of the exact damage it would cause so I was vague, sorry for not writing an essay on the type of wounds it would cause.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            I didn’t mean my answer to come off as aggressive. Apologies if it came off that way. I was just talking to everyone here in general ha. I’m just a bit confused as to why people don’t consider bb guns to be a potentially serious weapon. I’m just imaging what would happen if you were to shoot someone in the face with a bb gun. I feel like it would be game over for that person. Either permanently fucked, or killed.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Losing an eye sure but I think death is a bit far for a bb gun (I have done 0 research) but maybe a pellet gun where the projectiles are more bullet shaped maybe. It also depends on how the gun operates and how fast it sends the bbs

              Edit: 4 deaths per year in the US I stand corrected

        • KillingTimeItself
          13 months ago

          fun fact, human skin has this weird property of being incredibly, soft. So more than likely it would expend all of its energy moving your skin around, and then just bounce off leaving a pretty bad bruise or something.

          It’d fuck you up if it hit you in the eye though, for example.

          • @mojofrododojo
            13 months ago

            no. bb’s penetrate skin, can confirm. had to have one pulled out of arm muscle meat. stupid fucking brother

            • KillingTimeItself
              13 months ago

              i could see it going either way, depending on where it hits, and how far away it was. Projectile physics is weird, and impact physics are even weirder.

              • @mojofrododojo
                23 months ago

                yeah I got it from a pump action bb rifle, into the meaty part of the bicep. Of all my siblings, my youngest brother seemed to be the most willing to maim and torture us for his own entertainment.

      • KillingTimeItself
        13 months ago

        bb is probably short for ball bearing, which is basically just a small hardened metal ball often used in “bearings” to make it even more confusing, ball bearings, use ball bearings as their primary mode of design.