I did purchase AsmAnd+, but now I wander… How do I move it to another device should I need to?..
If you have purchased OsmAnd+ via Google Play or Apple Store you should have it on every device with the same OS (Android for GPlay and iOS for Apple Store).
Well… since I create a new gmail account for each device, no luck there. Thanks.
You can still have your new separate gmail account for the new device, and add the gmail account that purchased OSMAnd+ on your new device at the same time. Then, simply open the play store, change accounts in the top right corner, and install the paid for app.
Hum!.. 😃
Open the burger->settings->at the bottom you have Import/Export to file
You can get the fully unlocked version from F-Droid as well
It’s just tied to your google account so you can install on any of your devices.