• @[email protected]
    523 months ago

    Non-American here!

    I’ve visited America a bunch of times and I really like it as a place, they have amazing scenery pretty much everywhere you look, and just about every individual American I’ve met has been really nice.


    I’d never want to live there. Their healthcare system is insane (sorry Americans but it is) and politically as a nation they’re pretty bonkers. Guns, religion, general sort of global belligerence etc.

    Also as an aside, San Francisco is genuinely one of the strangest places I’ve ever been to. I dunno if I was just there at a weird time, but it seemed like every single person there was either a millionaire or homeless. Absolutely nothing in between.

    • @TootSweet
      213 months ago

      Their healthcare system is insane (sorry Americans but it is)

      Don’t apologize! If anything that’s an understatement. And everything else you said is on point too.

      Source: Am American.

    • @Zahille7
      193 months ago

      Ask any San Franciscan and they’ll tell you that’s just San Francisco.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Oh nobody likes the healthcare system except the people profiting from it and the people who think billionaires will love them and share if they sing their praises enough.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Work takes me to Houston from time to time, and I wholeheartedly agree. I would never want to live there.

      It seems that whenever you find something likeable about the place, it turns out to be a product of a predatory system.

      I seriously hope the workers at T.J. Birria Y Mas down in Missouri City are well paid and cared for (I doubt it), because they’re doing an awesome job and it’s hard not to love that place.

    • TimeOP
      3 months ago

      I agree, though I haven’t watched the debate yet. Personally, I have mixed views on current America, particularly on mass surveillance. But I believe we can change that if we all try hard enough!

      I appreciate Chase Oliver’s views and see him as a better choice than RFK in my opinion. He’s running as libertarian, supports immigration, opposes war, is pro-gun rights (his motto is ‘Armed and gay’), against government surveillance, pro-abortion, 38 years old, and wants to end the war on drugs. I feel like I could vote for him, even as a right-leaning straight white male! I really don’t like Trump or Biden, and I refuse to give them my vote.

      • memfree
        83 months ago

        Sadly, the effect of not voting for one of the 2 candidates is to intensify the power of the most extreme views. Say 100 people can vote. 25 on each side are going to vote for their party no matter what. 20 want something crazy in one direction and 20 in the other direction, and both sides are likely to protest and/or not vote if their guy doesn’t pander to them. That leaves 10 persuadable people – mostly people who are busy with other stuff and not paying attention to the minutia of various policies and the likely after effects they will cause.

        What is a candidate to do? They pander to the crazies. They can hardly bother to assuage the persuadables because those folks aren’t paying attention anyway. They have to go after the people who might bail if they aren’t appeased. I hate the system, but there it is.

      • @Kyouki
        13 months ago

        Pro gun rights is precisely why I don’t like America, along the other statemente in this thread. Y’all got it tough to only be able to vote for two terrible options.

  • @[email protected]
    243 months ago

    Yes. As a black man, America has produced a long very involved legacy of which I’m proud being my heritage.

    Sure, it was absolutely founded on treating people like as sub-human, and there are people today that are trying to return me to that state, but fuck them as they’ve been fucked for the last century and a half. I’ll be damned if I let them represent America.

    • @[email protected]
      83 months ago

      I’m genuinely glad we live in a country that recognizes the horrors of its past. Even with all of the “whitewashing” that occurs in textbooks in parts of the country, like “states’ rights” in the Civil War and praising Columbus, there’s still an overwhelming consensus that minorities were wronged for our entire history.

  • @[email protected]
    203 months ago

    I love America. I’m rather less fond of some of the people in it. The land is beautiful and varied. There is so much space here. And the constitution is really special, I think, though not perfect. The biggest flaw is people haven’t been taking politics seriously and have elected unserious people.

    I swore to defend it many years ago. At the time I was a kid just paying lip service to a required oath, swearing to a god I never believed in, but the truth is I do love it and I would fight for it, warts and all.

    • @[email protected]
      203 months ago

      people haven’t been taking politics seriously and have elected unserious people.

      This is the inherent flaw. We have a representative government that never intended “people” to take politics seriously. Politics was for the landowners.

  • @[email protected]
    173 months ago

    No, I live here.

    I hate

    • religious zealotry
    • massive dichotomy in polotical ideologies
    • identity politics
    • warmongering
    • brainwashing (pledge of allegiance?!)
    • poor treatment of poor and homeless
    • prison complex
    • poor education system
    • incredibly expensive healthcare
    • terrible zoning laws and car centricity
    • hiroshima, native genocide, iraq, and so many more. The US has shed so much blood and terror inflicted on the world population
    • world police, vigilante, the US is basically every bad movie villian in country form
    • regressing views on women’s rights
    • the history of slavery
  • Tiefling IRL
    3 months ago

    It depends on what you mean. America the government courting christofascism? Hell fucking no. I wish all the Republicans and neolibs in power would have a heart attack. I also wish to live long enough to read Trump’s and Alito’s obituaries. But I do love my local community too much to just abandon them. At best, I would call my relationship with America akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

  • @[email protected]
    133 months ago

    Naw, it made some kinda sense for a while but the writers really jumped the shark in the past decade.

  • @grasshopper_mouse
    133 months ago

    Yes, I don’t think many people realize how good we have it here. I say this having traveled to places and seen some shit (war in Iraq, gang violence in El Salvador, abject poverty in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan).

    Can the U.S. be better? Of course it can. There are horrible things happening here and people are losing their rights at a scary rate. However, these horrible things are not on the same level of horror as that which is occurring/has been occurring in other countries, it’s apples to oranges.

    Anytime I’ve been overseas and I come back to America I realize how much I love it here. We have it so good here, really. But as someone else stated, there is huge inequality that needs to be addressed in order for EVERYONE here to have it so good.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      Thats the catch 22 of America, its “good” except when its not, and like 60% of Americans are one missed paycheck away from it being “not” - And once you’re there this country hates you and does everything it can to make sure you stay fucked.

      See: SCOTUS ruling the other day that you can’t illegalize homelessness but you CAN illegalize homeless behaviors like sleeping outside or in a tent.

      (Because since pot is increasingly legal we have to bolster those legal slavery numbers somehow!)

      • @grasshopper_mouse
        23 months ago

        I totally agree. There’s a huge effort by the wealthy to keep the average person down, otherwise the rich don’t make the money. It’s super fucked up.

  • @[email protected]
    123 months ago

    America, americans, or american politicians? I’ve got different opinions. The common american may be misguided or misinformed, but they’re not hateful. America itself, has done incredible damage to the world, all while claiming they’re all for liberty and freedom after being dragged into the most clear-cut good vs. bad war almost a hundred years ago. Ever since, it’s has been dragged kicking and screaming towards progress, and fighting very hard to go back to the stone age. American politicians are nearly all wastes of skin.

    For reference, I’m latino.

  • @[email protected]
    113 months ago

    I’m European and I have mixed feelings about the US.

    There are some great sceneries, nice peoples and my accent does wonders there. I like its smaller towns and countryside.

    But at the same I hate its cities. You can see the most widen gap between poverty and absurdly rich peoples in the same street. You can have a wonderful avenue and once in the back alley it looks like third world. I’ve never seen that many weird people than in the us. There’s too much violence and capitalism. And don’t get me on the fucking tipping culture.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    113 months ago

    I love it, and that’s why I want to improve it. And you can’t fix a problem without acknowledging it exists.

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    Love our land, loath our society.

    The natural beauty of America is amazing, but the people seem to be mostly absolute shit.

  • @breadsmasher
    103 months ago

    I would feel better about america, as a non american, if the country on the whole would accept they aren’t the only country in the world, and didn’t continuously consider themselves the greatest. Actually acknowledge their history and the atrocities committed to get it to where it is today.

    Have some god damn humility

  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
    3 months ago

    America sucks. The government and the “America” it upholds is an institution of evil, a factory for global war and oppression all while insultingly calling itself “land of the free”, and anyone who latches onto its historical “achievements” probably sucks too.

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    As a non American who used to live there, I can say some things are amazing and some things are awful.

    I love the nature. The national parks are so beautiful. I like many of the people. And there are good job options there in tech.

    But the awful things were a deal-breaker for me, and why I’d never want to live there again. The wealth inequality, the guns, the crime, the homelessness, the healthcare system, the partisan politics, etc.

    So ultimately I probably fall on the side of not liking it.