Welcome to SquaredCircle’s ‘Meme Monday’!
Have you seen a great wrestling meme this week that just made you crack up? Did you watch a silly moment in a show and just need to craft a meme out of it? Well post em below!
The highest voted meme shall win and be showcased in next week’s thread!
Last week’s winner attached!
Saving this to mastadon out in 2 days.
They’ll create their own Dynasty with
vodka and hookers… Marigold and Noah!! lol
Goddamn lmao
Step 1…remove LJN.
Jesus christ dude! Making me crack up on the bus! People want to know whats so funny, but what am I going to say?
“I’m laughkng because Bill Goldberg kicked Bret Hart in the head 20 some years ago and gave him a stroke. ITS STILL FUNNY TO ME, DAMMIT!!!”
happy canada day make sure to air your grievances at bill goldberg for good luck all year.
Gotta build up an extra grievance first bv re-watching Santa’s Slay, then I’ll be ready.
Why would you do that to yourself? It’s not healthy!
If you have a once a year opportunity to air your grievances to Goldberg, you make sure to air them all.
I’d rather just watch the match where he gave himself a concussion during his intro
just watch the svu episode where stabler bops meth head bill goldberg over the head with a chair
Ooo I missed that one!
This would have been even funnier if it was Chiitan with that response instead of Chris Brooks.
“Now that is cool!”
“Sorry, sorry, not cool.”