Just checking in on y’all.

  • @ZetaLightning94
    418 months ago

    The bridge was a main artery for the baltimore region. Not just because of the closing of the shipping channel but because many people would commute from dundalk and middle river to the bwi/DC region for work. Traffic used to be bad, but its a whole new level of unpredictable and round the clock terrible.

    • @jqubed
      118 months ago

      I might be driving through D.C./Baltimore around Friday or Saturday. I could also bypass the region entirely with an alternate route through the Shenandoah Valley that is longer but has less traffic issues. Would that be your recommendation?

      • @camr_on
        68 months ago

        I’m assuming that means you can take 81 instead of 95. I’ll second that Shenandoah is a beautiful drive. There’s a part I look forward to every time I drive up there where you’re driving on the side of a mountain and have a view of the whole valley… maybe it’s on 77 right before it turns on to 81? Just watch out for deer

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    48 months ago

    Too bad the bridge didn’t collapse in 1995 while Art Modell was driving on it.

    Yes I’m an old person from Cleveland, why do you ask?