• @foggy
    1 year ago

    Get rid of plastic straws! Save the environment!

    Excuse me while me and my 27 friends l take separate jets to Europe for the weekend.

    The banks are too big to fail! Gotta go e them money because they ran outta money because they were bad with money. Also, that overdraft fee that was actually a clerical error that was hard coded into our platform will cost you $250 because it’s the 5th one this year.

    something something trans people, cat food school, bathrooms, pedophilia. Idk some more buzzwords. Just don’t look at me and my 27 friends while we all fly out separate jets back home before doing it all again.

    And if you do look… ooga booga the gays!

    Yeah, I hate this timeline.

    Edit: fun fact! Clinton, Bush Jr, Trump, and Biden were all in high school at the same time.

    • Dandroid
      91 year ago

      Another fun fact. JFK was born only 7 years before Bush Sr. 7 US presidents in a row all born around the same time.

      • @propaganja
        61 year ago

        I mean, one of those is not like the others. I’ll give you a hint…

        It’s JFK. JFK is not like the others.

        • Dandroid
          21 year ago

          Well, obviously. If 7 people all had their birthdays within a few years of each other, but each person served as president 4-8 years after the previous person, naturally they will keep getting older and older. The earlier people in that group of 7 were younger when they were president than the later people in that group of 7. The point was that those later people were old AF.

          • @propaganja
            11 year ago

            What? lol, no, I just meant that JFK was generally a very good president and the others were largely shit.

            • Dandroid
              1 year ago

              I guess, if that’s your opinion. I can’t say I fully agree. I’m a huge fan of LBJ personally, despite him flubbing the Vietnam war. He cared deeply for educating the impoverished and racial minorities. He passed dozens of environmental laws. He also was responsible for a bunch of the beautification initiatives, which resulted in planting tons of trees. He was responsible for creating a ton of national parks. He even knew he fucked up the Vietnam war, and he decided he wasn’t going to run for another term because of the decisions he made related to it. It’s my opinion that he felt he didn’t deserve the presidency anymore after making poor choices regarding Vietnam. Whatever the reason he had, it shows great emotional intelligence. And honestly, it makes me sad, because I feel like with 4 more years, he could have done so much more good for civil rights and the environment.

              I also am a bit biased because I live in the city that he was from, so I get to enjoy the fruits of his and his wife’s labor. All the trees they planted here are all grown and are gorgeous. I love how many parks we have here and how big they all are. And I can thank them for putting in the work, even though they knew they would not be the ones to benefit from it. It would be the future generations that would benefit.

              • @propaganja
                11 year ago

                You know what, you’re right. I only discovered somewhat recently that LBJ may not be the character history makes him out to be. I still don’t know what character he is, beyond some of the things you’ve mentioned, but he deserves a deeper look for sure, and I retract my statement wrt him.

                What you said regarding your opinion on his emotional intelligence is pretty fascinating. Though you’re a random stranger on the Internet, I choose to trust your conviction until I learn otherwise. Cheers!

                • Dandroid
                  11 year ago

                  I appreciate the kind words! I learned most of what I know about LBJ from his presidential library, which obviously is not the most unbiased source of information. But the picture it paints is that he wanted to to what he believed was right, even if it was unpopular within his own party at the time. That’s the kind of behavior I respect in a leader. It’s the same reason I respect the hell out of Bernie Sanders.

  • SuiXi3D
    161 year ago

    Got bitched at by my new boss for taking my legally mandated break today. Gotta love it.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I would bet he was angry that this guy didn’t work off the clock during a ‘surge’ to support his chronically understaffed ‘team’.

  • @gobbling871
    61 year ago

    You know what the worst part is. We, The people let them do this to us.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I think it’s inevitable. Whenever human invents a good thing, another human finds a way to circumvent that good thing into bad thing that profits them.

    • Noodlez
      21 year ago

      Okay a genuine question, what is the method to not let them do this to us? The legitimate only way I can think of is completely disconnecting from society, but this is near impossible because it’s near impossible to find a place you can become self-sustainable, and it also takes a lot to even accrue the wealth to have the means to become self-sustainable, which means beimg a part of this society.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I honestly don’t find a solution to this corrupt world we live in. I hope someone legalizes suicide booths.

    • @TheGoldenGodOP
      31 year ago

      It’s sad this even has to be joked about, but knowing the rich they’ll share any immortality treatments, but only for the twisted reason to ensure there’s no escape.