Former prime minister Mr Johnson has dissected his party’s performance in his Daily Mail column, saying the reasons why the Tories lost so many MPs were “complex” - but “the Yucatan asteroid in this catastrophe was obvious: it was Reform”.

Mr Johnson claimed to have heard from one Tory MP who “fully expected to win” but realised at the last minute “thousands” of Tory voters were opting for Reform, which in turn gave Labour a majority over both rivals.

“Repeat that phenomenon across the political landscape, and you begin to grasp the cause of the landslide,” he added, before turning his attention to Mr Farage.

He wrote: “I am afraid that the cheroot-puffing Pied Piper of Clacton has played a significant part - as he no doubt intended - in the destruction of the Tory government.”

Mr Johnson then offered advice for the Tories, while alluding to his own exit from Downing Street in June 2022.

“When we get back in, don’t be too hasty to get rid of successful election-winning leaders,” he said.

“As I never tire of telling people, some polls put us only two or three points behind, in the days before I was forced to resign in what was really a media-driven hoo-ha.”

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝OP
    522 months ago

    So no-one else to blame BoJo 🤡? Perhaps someone who spent their time in office dicking about causing the deaths of thousands and eroding trust in politics for a generation?

  • Optional
    202 months ago

    Did his hair get worse??

  • @[email protected]
    152 months ago

    I love that, by his own analogy, he has implied that Tory voters are either rats or children. Hating the image of Nigel playing a flute (or a pipe, I guess?) either way

    • GreatAlbatrossM
      52 months ago

      Hey, rats are sociable, clean and friendly. Don’t lump them in with children like that!

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    So the fault was nothing to do with lying criminals arseholes who assume laws they create only apply to commoners.

    But instead another party that gives the fascists who vote for them, a democratic alternative.

    Entitled fucking arseholes, the lot of them.

  • @EnderMB
    102 months ago

    I know that they’ve been in power for 14 years, but the writing was on the wall for the Tories when they chose May. She empowered the right, and allowed BoJo to not only seize control, but to utterly purge the party of actual conservatives. Now that the Tories have been decimated, many of the established names in the party that were favourites to lead from both the right and the central ground lost their seats. The worst thing the Tories ever did was push the Brexit vote and then subsequently let the right get power, as they now face an existential threat for an entire generation.

    For the Americans here, this is the one silver lining of Trump. In the same way that the surprise of the Brexit vote signalled the rise of Trump, you could potentially look at how the cult of personality around Brexit destroyed the Tories and see parallels to the Republicans. They’ve tied themselves solely to Trump, and if he were to lose there’s no real candidate that could realistically unite the country AND win the support of Trump (who will probably run again in 4 years time). He’s cast a shadow that has eclipsed the growth of right-leaning politics, damaging conservatism for the future.

  • @Darkard
    2 months ago

    Here’s the thing. Reform got as many seats as the Greens and the Lib Dems haven’t had this many MPs since the coalition. But let’s see who the media give all the coverage to…

    • @Jackthelad
      32 months ago

      Reform will get more because they came third in the vote share.

    • JackGreenEarth
      22 months ago

      I am very happy in a sense that Reform only got 5 seats, compared to the Greens 4 and Lib Dems 72, but combined, Lib Dems and Greens got about 15% of the vote, and Reform got 15% too. So it’s clearly undemocratic. We got lucky this time, but it could easily have been the other way around.

  • Chris
    102 months ago

    At least Nigel Farage has done something good for once.

  • @lemmus
    102 months ago

    The Tories opposed electoral reform in 2011, so they only have themselves to blame for the first-past-the-post wipeout. 2/3 of the country voted for a non-Labour party on Thursday, so discontent will continue to grow, and Reform will perform even better in five years time. You reap what you sow.

  • @Reddfugee42
    102 months ago

    When will this used q-tip looking loser go away

  • @NABDad
    72 months ago

    Can’t someone give him a comb or a brush or something? Maybe a hat?

  • @reddig33
    62 months ago

    I blame Boris’ awful haircut.

  • @cornshark
    52 months ago

    Hmm, can they come up with a system in which the voters can say reform is their first choice, but tory is their second choice? To prevent the seat from going left wing if most of the voters are right wing?