massachusetts institue of technology. richard stallman is from there. most linux utilities were developed there and a lot of open source projects were and are made there!!! is it the best university for linux and open source??

  • @Meltrax
    462 months ago

    I live right near it, and have a lot of friends that went there. Not a strong opinion. Fortunately for you, you’ll find these two things at almost any university in the United States:

    • A Computer Science department that actually teaches the exact same curriculum as MIT.
    • An English department that will teach you how to use capitalization and punctuation in sentences.
    • @[email protected]OP
      -102 months ago

      an english department?? well that would be nice thank you!! i’m not originally from the usa and well still. even if a university is as good as mit. it’s still not “mit”!!! the home of richard stallman. the home of geniuses etc!! woa!

      • @Meltrax
        2 months ago

        I honestly can’t tell if you’re trolling…

        But to give you the benefit of the doubt, MIT is a school. There’s nothing very exciting about it, I’m sorry. The students are smart, but so are students at a lot of universities. It’s not really any better than the others, except for some name recognition. They teach the same things, they provide the same opportunities.

        Stallman didn’t even go there. He went to Harvard for his bachelor’s degree and was a “visiting researcher” at MIT. MIT has some cool research projects, but many many technical universities in the USA have those. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Stevens Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon, hell just any school that has graduate students and a computer science department.

        Now don’t get me wrong, Boston is a great city (I live here, I love it) and MIT is a good school. But that’s it, it’s just good. Many many many smart people have come from other schools. Linus Torvalds has had an even greater impact on some of the topics you seem to care about than Stallman, and he went to the University of Helsinki in Finland. Schools are just schools.

      • magic_lobster_party
        42 months ago

        Fortunately for you, most universities in the world offer a similar computer science curriculum as the ones in US.

        Not sure about English department though.

      • @riodoro1
        02 months ago

        Worshipping a disgusting groomer.

  • LalSalaamComrade
    172 months ago

    I hate them, because university rankings have kind if become a neo-caste system. Ivy League universities are elitist brain-rot. Sure, they house great minds, but the sham that is meritocracy will crumble if everyone in this world had the privilege to start from the same line one the race track.

    Just think of it - is advancement of human civilization a dick-measuring contest, or do we prepared folks to be better professionals to excel in the respective field they’ve chosen?

    Well, I am not really sure if you should be celebrating MIT, just because Richard Stallman has graduated from there. That’s like saying - we should bomb the fuck out of Harvard for producing graduated that have bought terror in this world through human rights violation of varying degrees?

    • 柊 つかさ
      62 months ago

      Are universities automatically “elitist brain-rot” when they participate in rankings? When it comes to privilege, yes, rich kids that don’t deserve it are accepted into ivy league universities because of the connections they have. This is not a good thing obviously. Most researchers receive the privilege of working there because of their good research done at other universities. That is why they stay on top: a lot of excellent researchers want to join those universities. Obviously MIT has a very good standing when it comes to CS. The dick-measuring contest is but a small part of the university ecosystem. Also, neo-caste system is a quite strong. Most ivy league researchers are probably not rich or powerful. For that you have to look at our “friends” in the C-suite. I understand the sentiment, but I find “hate”, “elitist brain-rot” and “neo-caste system” way too strong.

      • @someacnt_
        12 months ago

        Yeah, in the more technical/scientific departments, people usually have incredible skills to prove their worth.

  • kbal
    132 months ago

    N: Unable to locate package mit E: No packages found

    Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to be too popular. Not even in debian.