Why would you not add a cupboard there?
Seriously, the real found Satan is the dude who just blatantly wastes this much potential storage space in a kitchen build.
It’s not wasted. It is being used for the prank.
[very calm serious voice] Ahhh, a prank cupboard… very interesting.
It’s dead space
Well, of course it is, but the guy could have escaped if there was a door there.
The only thing I could think of is that there’s more cabinets to be added, and that one is like a central pillar - that is, it’s surrounded by cabinets yet-to-be-added on all four sides.
Otherwise, yeah, I’d think it was really bizarre not to have a cabinet in there.
Why would you have a bunch of shallow cupboards around a big empty space.
Fill it with full-depth cupboards like the 4 behind it.
Looks like it’s going to be an area with an overhang for seating. Could you add storage or something useful? Yes, probably, but there are going to be high top chairs blocking it most of the time.
Perfect spot for the stuff you only touch like once a year. Things like the turkey roasting pan.
Or Carl. Now Carl lives there.
Yeah I’ve seen this multiple times and always think this. Only thing I can think of is something so heavy will be on top that you can’t open the door without it collapsing… but what that is I have nfi
need to put scratch marks on the wood
50? As a professional renovator, more like 15.
Yeah, 25 is a more likely lifespan on cabinets; if style ever lets them last that long.
The wife will hate this
wasted space for a joke
kitchen cabinet space is always nice to have
Worth the divorce
Op assumes to be dead in 50 years
Wait, you don’t?
There is a 1 in 5 chance a man will make it to 95, and I’m not that lucky :(
That’s sad.
When we refloored our house we put the devil’s trap from supernatural under it. I wish I got to see the reaction when it’s found.
You’ll find it in a mildlyinteresting post in 20-30 years
God I hope so! :)
I see you u/1967ChevroletImpala
My reaction right now is that is genius!
Removed by mod
What in McMansion hell is going on in this kitchen?
It’s the kind of place you build or buy so you won’t feel bad about lighting it on fire for the insurance money.
You just gonna let him
livedie there rent-free for 50yrs?Consolation prize for the pranked, that marker might still work.
I have a marker from back when I was in elementary school that I used to scribble stuff on cassettes I recorded off the radio. It still works. I’m 35.
I see this all over and it always goes without comment, so I’m curious; is “and” used instead of “an” in a dialect I’m unaware of? Kinda like how “anymore” has a slightly different usage (I think in the southern us)
Typo, most likely.
Where would an go?
“which fills out and empty space”
My guess is that the and there is a typo.
ohhhh i did spend a minute trying to figure out what that meant lol
Anymore has different usages??
Yes, in my neck of the woods it’s always used in a negative statement (we don’t go there anymore, can’t anymore, etc) but some places use it in positive statements kinda like “nowadays” (we go there anymore). Trips me up a bit whenever I encounter it.
That is super weird. I haven’t ever encountered it. And thanks for the sauce.
I’ll be on the lookout anymore.
(That just feels wrong to write!)
I’m not sure about “anymore”—other than moving it to the start of the sentence—but I have noticed that “whenever” seems to have become fully interchangeable with “when” for some southerners.
Possible autocorrecr
Cupboards get remodeled every time houses get flipped around here. more often than not it’s one speculator buying from another buying from another.
In all likelihood these last like 6 months. 6 years, tops.Not every house is bought to be flipped though. My houses cabinets may very well be 50 years old.
more often *than
I hear something rattling inside the kitchen counter
Do you think if the next person finds this and has a heart attack, they could sue the praker?
Probably not, because after 15 years once this is found, they’ll probably not know who the pranker is, unless they want to sue the company that made that building. Also, I don’t think it’s at all likely anyone will get a heart attack.
The branded merch isn’t a dead giveaway?
The branded gear is a great idea because if this is OP’s company he knows 30 years from now if someone calls his company asking about a skeleton that the cabinet got updated.
Oh shoot, I didn’t see that 😅
Unless they find this meme, figure out the time frame it came from and figure out who owned the house at the time.
Kitchen countertop of Amontillado.