We can put CSS in our generators that works with the user’s dark mode setting on their device. But it would be great if that was built-in to the default styles. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, this would do for a start:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  body {
    background-color: #000;
    color: #aaa;

It seems some of the templates may override such styles and make the body white and such anyway. So maybe that’s something to look into as well.

  • @wthit56OP
    23 months ago

    Oh, and dark mode support in the code editor etc. would be great too 👍

    • @perchanceM
      3 months ago

      Does dark mode in the code editor not work for you? If so, which browser and device?

      • @wthit56OP
        13 months ago

        Seems it half-works? Sort of? The code editor panes don’t change dynamically; you have to reload and then whatever the setting is is locked in from then on.

        And it seems the first time you change the device’s dark mode, the preview pane also stays locked. But changing it more after that unlocks it. Very weird…

        I did notice the “AI chat” link at the top would get locked up, but just the text or something? That seems to have disappeared now anyway though.

        • @perchanceM
          13 months ago

          Oh yeah it unfortunately currently does require a reload if you change device dark/light setting, if that’s what you mean. I’m going to overhaul the interface when I upgrade to codemirror 6, though that could be a while because scaling the AI stuff is taking all my time at the moment

          • @wthit56OP
            13 months ago

            Okay cool. I guess codemirror caches it. All good 👍

  • @perchanceM
    3 months ago

    Yeah I have thought about this. I can’t do it by default on existing generators, because generators may have colors specified on elements. So automatic dark mode would, for example, make it so manually-specified black text would be invisible against the black background.

    The other problem is that even if I only enable it on new generators, then many users only test their generators on their specific mode (i.e. only test on light) so they don’t realise that the text colors they’ve chosen look really bad, or invisible in dark mode. So I’d need to have some way to deal with that. Maybe a button in the editor UI that toggles dark/light mode easily.

    If you have ideas/preferences here, please let me know!

    • @wthit56OP
      23 months ago

      Yeah, I see what you mean. For a different angle… if everyone is only using it in light mode currently, dark mode not looking great won’t bother those people anyway.

      And for those that are trying to use perchance in dark mode, they’re not getting a good experience anyway. At least if the site is trying to help them out there’s a chance it’s more usable in dark mode without just sitting there blinded.

      And it could encourage them to give feedback to the creator that the generator looks crap in dark mode… which could result in more creators actually sorting that out.

    • @wthit56OP
      13 months ago

      I just noticed that in the generator I’m working on, which has no styles in its HTML for the page background… it actually does respond to dark mode. Sort of. The background goes dark at least, but the text does not become light.

      Unclear exactly where that’s coming from though. If that part could be improved a little, then it might just be fine as-is. And it could be considered for the commonly used templates to have dark mode improvements made.

  • BluePower
    3 months ago

    Do you mean user-customizable dark mode of some sorts? Or a global dark mode for all generators?

    Pro tip: it’s highly recommended to describe as much as possible about your request, maybe what feature you requested should look like, function like, etc.

    • @wthit56OP
      3 months ago

      Just literally what I said in the post, was my suggestion. Adding that CSS into the normalise.css or wherever the “default styles” live that are applied to all generators. So, a global dark mode for all generators, yes.

      I thought I was clear on what I was requesting. Maybe you were expecting something more complicated I guess 😅. But just as simple as it sounds, sorry that wasn’t clear.