Photo by Ryan Humphrey [Facebook]

Saw Whet Owlets are probably the most fun and animated baby owls I’ve ever watched. Took them months to stop the major head bobbing and body dances. It could be early morning, mid afternoon, or evening, and they would be moving around, preening, stretching, head bobbing, and doing the twist. These babies do not sleep all day long as many Adult Saw Whets do. They would snooze for an hour or so and then become alert again.

    • anon6789OP
      62 months ago

      I don’t know if we’ve covered why it’s called a Saw Whet or not. It’s said to be that its call sounds similar to the sound of the lumberjacks sharpening their saw blades in the forests where these owls come from.

      Whet means to sharpen. So this is the owl that sounds like it’s sharpening a saw.

      This is the most appropriate saw sharpening sound I could find. Way back when, I’m sure they were using much larger saws, so the pitch would be different, but this seems close enough.

      YouTube: Saw Whet Owl Call

      YouTube: Saw Sharpening

    • anon6789OP
      32 months ago

      It’s one heck of a cutie. I’ve been enjoying all the baby Saw Whets recently.

    • anon6789OP
      32 months ago

      They are probably my favorite of the super small owls. They have so much character and charm! 🥰

    • anon6789OP
      22 months ago

      Can I haz mouwz plz?

  • Optional
    22 months ago

    Did you take my doughnut?! But, you’re the only one here! Well it can’t just have walked off by itself, now can it! . . . Really? Huh. What the heck . . . Where did I . . .

    (Saw Whet: heh heh heh)