I thought up this slogan or chant. No idea about us politics but she seems so electable.

  • southsamurai
    48 months ago

    That’s a bad chant tbh. The replace Biden doesn’t scan with the rest.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    8 months ago

    As much as I’d like her to be president is much rather her be a strong voice in the senate for 20 years first.

  • @jordanlund
    28 months ago

    Won’t be AOC or anyone else in Congress.

    Statistically, Congresspeople don’t do well in Presidential runs. Legislative experience != executive experience.

    Ford had been in Congress, resigned to become Vice President, then elevated to President

    Nixon had been in Congress, then the Senate, then Vice President before becoming President.

    Kennedy also went Congress to Senate to President.