• @paddirn
    162 months ago

    If anything, America is too accepting of being fat, it’s not treated like a negative health condition. It’s treated more as something to be proud of, something to be accepted, if not celebrated. I think for awhile there, there was a push in pop-culture more towards skinny women, but if that exists anymore it’s been toned down or it’s non-existent.

    • @[email protected]
      -22 months ago

      treatments for obesity exist. self-hatred is not a treatment for obesity. in fact, self-hatred has the opposite effect. individuals, like yourself, who harp on the “too accepting” attitude of the culture, are operating without regard for the established medical framework for effective intervention, preferring to rely on an unsupported framework of hatred instead.

      • @paddirn
        -22 months ago

        Nobody is saying that people with obesity need to be self-loathing, that’s never a treatment that’s recommended for any other medical condition. However, it still is a medical condition that leads to worse health outcomes across the board, we don’t glamorize cancer patients or drug/alcohol abusers the way we glamorize obesity in America. At least with alcohol/drug abuse, friends & family sometimes feel the need to stage interventions, there’s measures in place to let the person know that their behavior is self-destructive. Even smokers aren’t made to feel bad about themselves, but society does step in with various hints to encourage stopping. Calling out obesity as being unhealthy is not about making people feel bad about themselves, it’s about letting people know that they’re going to have bad consequences if they don’t change their lifestyle.

        With obesity, it’s just accepted that somebody is putting on weight, it’s spun in a positive light and paraded around in the media, and there’s really no push to help people. People are taught to love themselves no matter what, “It’s all about the bass”, they don’t need to do anything different. If any other drug or activity existed that caused things like cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, musculoskeletal disorders, cancers (endometrial, breast and colon), and just generally made people unhealthy the way obesity does, it would be demonized in a heartbeat (similar to how cigarettes/drugs/alcohol are demonized).

        I will accept though, that potentially making obese people feel good about themselves may be part of the treatment. I’m assuming there may be an element of depression that’s contributing to the weight gain, whether it’s over-eating or lack of physical activity, and it creates a hard-to-escape feedback loop. They feel bad about their weight gain, which causes them to eat more or not go out as much, which increases weight gain, rinse and repeat. So potentially the “feel good” culture around obesity in America is a subtle way of helping them to break out of that feedback loop, but I’m not sure how effective it really is, it just seems like it normalizes an unhealthy medical condition more than anything.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          nobody is saying that people with obesity need to he self loathing

          …and yet your first reaction to a post simply about women who don’t hate themselves for their bodies was to say society needs to be less accepting.

          do some internal thought because you seem to be getting closer to truth with your last paragraph but you are still way off base.

  • @yggstyle
    82 months ago

    False. Capitalism loves obesity and especially obese women. They spend a shitload on advertising specifically to them.

    There is no greater consumer.

  • @[email protected]
    42 months ago

    Mostly because people can’t differentiate between loving and accepting yourself and taking care of your body. Self-loathing helps no one

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      literally! lame redditor brains love to barge in on posts like this and act like fat people somehow… don’t know they are fat? as though they don’t live carrying that burden (literally and figuratively) every day?

      body shaming has been demonstrated to cause worse medical outcomes. it’s absolutely fine for people (especially medical sources) to inform overweight folks of the risks of obesity and to encourage them to build an intervention plan.

      whats not okay is the reaction to this post. most of the comments here are proving OOP’s point, like, “how dare you not visibly hate yourself every moment of the day for your body.” i’m high key disgusted by the knee jerk reaction here.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      -22 months ago

      Most people don’t understand that loving yourself means taking care of yourself. Loving yourself means sometimes saying no.

  • @skeezix
    -92 months ago

    If I told you things I ate before.
    Told you how I used to feed.
    Would you munch some twinkies with me?
    If you knew my menu word for word.
    Had all of my ring dings to see.
    Would you have some cake with someone like me?

    And we don’t care about the fat folks 
    Talkin’ ‘bout the big style 
    And we don’t care about the fat fucks.   Talkin’ ‘bout the big style, too  And we don’t care about their own foods.   Talkin’ ‘bout our own snacks.   All we care about is eatin’ 
    Eatin’ only me and you.

    Usually when things has got this fat 
    My feet tend to disappear 
    No one will weigh me unless you do  I can tell there’s chocolate goin’ on  Cookies seem to disappear  Everyone is leaving, I still like cheese fondue .

    And we don’t care about the fat folks  Talkin’ ‘bout the big style  And we don’t care about the fat fucks 
    Talkin’ ‘bout the fat style, too  And we don’t care about their own foods 
    Talkin’ ‘bout our own snacks  All we care about is eatin’ 
    Eatin’ only me and you.