• @Dagamant
    1042 months ago

    you mean it might not be about enforcing laws at all? Instead being a movement designed to empower oppressive systems? shocked pikachu face

  • @ceenote
    2 months ago

    The law never had anything to do with it. It’s only that, from the perspective of white nationalists, generally cops are on our team. If it’s a criminal on our team vs law enforcement on their team, they’ll go full-on “fuck the police” without an instant of hesitation.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        122 months ago

        Or Ruby Ridge / Waco / Oklahoma City. Fascists will turn on a dime when it comes to loving/hating the police.

    • @TexasDrunk
      142 months ago

      I have seen this for years in the meth head community. Whether or not they’re saying “fuck the police” depends entirely on who the cops are currently arresting. Competing meth dealer? Fuck yeah, they’re doing their job! One of their own? Fuck the police! A Mexican? Fuck yeah, thin blue line!

      I’ve actually seen someone go from support to hate and back to support in the space of a single conversation.

      • @barsquid
        112 months ago

        Meth heads are well known for the paranoia, no surprise they turn out to have the exact same intellectual integrity as the fear-addicted bigots voting Repub in every election.

  • @[email protected]
    462 months ago

    Yeah and all of the fuck law enforcement crowd (myself included) is gonna begrudgingly vote for her.

      • @Bytemeister
        52 months ago

        I’d take bastards over fascists any day.

        • @masquenox
          42 months ago

          Police is a fascist institution.

      • @masquenox
        02 months ago

        I hate to break it to you… but Harris is schooled in the nuts and bolts of fascism - unlike Trump, who is merely good at cosplaying as a fascist.

        I’m not telling you not to vote for her - you don’t really have a choice - but know that everything the libs do at this point is just going to empower the fascists more. It’s been a positive feedback loop for a while now.

          • @masquenox
            32 months ago

            Liberal, try to think critically.

            Has any of the Dems conveyed to you the plans they have of dealing with the whole “inexorable-slide-to-fascism” problem other than telling you to kick the can four years down the road?

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          I would kinda agree with you if Biden didn’t step down. I was thinking Biden is running his campaign so bad that he must be controlled opposition in order to make Trump look better.

          But now? Really? Kamala is going to bring us to fascism? She has people around her that would call her out. Trump doesn’t. That’s the problem.

          • @masquenox
            12 months ago

            She has people around her that would call her out that is as invested in protecting the status quo as she is.

            FTFY. I guess that means you don’t actually know what role fascism plays in maintaining the liberal order?

            Trump doesn’t. That’s the problem.

            Oh, absolutely. It’s part and parcel of Trump’s generalized incompetence. Liberals want the POTUS to do what the US has always done - do fascism outside US borders. Fascists want the POTUS to do fascism inside US borders. Trump is too incompetent to do either. Harris is perfectly competent to do the former - ie, business as usual - which means more colonialism coming home to roost as fascism (as the leftists like to point out) which will find rapid utility protecting the rampant and unrestricted parasitism of runaway “free market” capitalism at the expense of the US working class.

            A perfect feedback loop that is delivering predictable results.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        And then the administration she was apart of had a massive increase in police funding, it’s almost like politicians say whatever is convenient at the moment & do what benefits the power structures that they’re connected to later.

        • @pyre
          02 months ago

          funny how you were against Biden and now you’re against Harris. it sounds like you just want republicans to win.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            I’m against all of them.

            Edit: I’m an anarchist & I became an anarchist because of my experience as an activist in electoral politics.

            • @pyre
              12 months ago

              yeah everybody knows the best way to achieve anarchy is to let the fascist win. solid strat; keep going.

                • @pyre
                  12 months ago

                  never. i don’t think you’re saying anything at all really. just talking without purpose.

  • @BetaBlake
    192 months ago

    They don’t believe the things they support, it’s all virtue signaling. Just like belief in the Bible

  • @masquenox
    132 months ago

    The police is a fascist institution - so it shouldn’t be surprising that they will back someone who is better at regurgitating (and embodying) the fascist dog-whistles fascists wants to hear.

    Besides, the term “felon” means absolutely nothing when it is used in connection to a rich white guy - this should also not be surprising in a fundamentally white supremacist society that pathologically worships and fetishizes capitalism.

  • Lucidity 🪷
    122 months ago

    I usually do not save images but I gotta save this. Thank you. 😄

  • @[email protected]
    122 months ago

    Same people who are pro-2A and suddenly got a real big problem with people of color owning guns.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      They don’t like guns or laws. They are fascists. They like privileges. They like having rights and other people they don’t like not having rights. They don’t care about anything else. The traits their leaders exhibit are more important than the things they say.

      • @SkyezOpen
        22 months ago

        They can like guns too. Guns are fun.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          allow me to rephrase. They claim that everyone should be able access guns all the time, no matter what. They don’t actually believe this. They like the privilege of being able to carry guns and intimidating people they don’t think should have rights. They especially hate it when those people pick up guns and warn them to fuck off.

          This has nothing to do with their personal enjoyment of guns, which may or may not be genuine or performative.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Kamala is a cop of convenience. She’s a cop when we’re talking about trump being a felon. But she’s totally not a cop when we start talking about her record of collaboration with the prison industrial complex.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Not me, totally a cop in that case too. It’s a very unpopular topic though, I’ve noticed. I’m still going to vote for her though, because the US presidential election still mostly comes down to the two options South Park told us it did all those years ago…

  • @Sorgan71
    52 months ago

    Thats what shocks me about the trump fanbase, they are always able to justify his hideous nature in a way democrats cant match.

  • @blahsay
    -102 months ago

    Watching this community push for a cop to be in charge…cognitive dissonance is ugly

    • @rayyy
      202 months ago

      Alternatively, do we want a felon and rapist in charge?

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        -152 months ago

        All I’m saying is that RFK Jr is neither of those things. He’s just the standard run-of-the-mill rich delusional creep.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          He’s a fucking symbiote and everyone knows it.

          Edit: Symbiont. Got my Star Trek and Spider-man mixed up.