Lemmy.World banned me for this.

  • @[email protected]
    208 months ago

    I’ve yet to meet a member of the working class that openly supports AIPAC and I hope I never do.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      8 months ago

      Nobody you know supports this guy?

      Or maybe this woman

      This guy maybe?

      • @[email protected]
        148 months ago

        So you have no actual answer?

        You twisted the question from “show a working class person who supports AIPAC” to just politicians who support AIPAC.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          -138 months ago

          Oh right liberals cope with reality by pretending their politicians aren’t AIPAC agents when presented with clear evidence.

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              8 months ago

              If you support a politician that supports Adolf Hitler does that make you not a Nazi?

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  -118 months ago

                  I’m going to pretend I can’t understand the argument because I lost this one hard.

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  -78 months ago

                  Pony up some of those tax dollars first.

      • @[email protected]
        98 months ago

        Oh plenty, but no one that specifically mentions AIPAC. They probably don’t know what it is or does.

  • @theywilleatthestars
    188 months ago

    So many people here hostile to the idea that two things can be bad. Weird

  • @Wilzax
    108 months ago

    Bottom is bad. Top is worse. We deserve better than all pictured. If you disagree, I do not respect you.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      8 months ago

      Aside from Mao the bottom ones are far head in kills and amount of people oppressed of the top ones.

      Unless you believe that Americans are the only victims the bottom ones

      • @[email protected]
        128 months ago

        So you’re saying that Obama and Biden each caused more deaths than Stalin? You have gone off the deep end friend, they may be bad but they ain’t that bad.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          8 months ago

          Obama absolutely. Destabilizing the entire globe , murdering millions and ovethrowing their countries governments to install puppets is an art to behold. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Africa, South America and much more. Stalin only did war crimes in Russia, he didn’t have nearly the same population number to oppress.

          Like I said before, being so brainwashed that you don’t know about their war crimes doesn’t make them disappear.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            Oh yeah, fuck, I forgot about that time Obama destabilized the entire globe. That was a crazy summer!

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              8 months ago

              I did not realize I was the only person allowed to google stuff. Are you guys all under CIA surveillance or something?


              Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Barak Obama’s diplomacy record was no better than Bush’s failed diplomacy. Obama inherited the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, and although he publicly spoke out against the Iraq invasion in October 2002, Obama kept the American military engaged in both countries – there were drawdowns without closure. Obama also inserted the US military, typically often special operations forces, into conflicts throughout the globe including: the al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen (2010); military strikes on suspected al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, and ISIS positions in Yemen (2011); military intervention in Libya: Operation Odyssey Dawn (2011); strikes on al-Shabaab militants begin in Somalia (2011); Uganda: support Uganda against the Lord’s Resistance Army (2011); troops deployed to Jordan to help it contain the Syrian Civil War (2012); soldiers and Patriot missiles sent to Turkey (2012); assisted the French in Mali (2013); USAF supported the French in Somalia (2013); special operations raids in Somalia and Libya (2013); increased military members sent to Uganda (2014); intervention in Iraq to support Iraqi and Kurdish fighters (2014); airstrikes against Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS), a.k.a. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), aligned forces throughout northern Iraq (2014); failed rescue mission in Syria (2014); increased intervention in Syria, and bombing of ISIS positions in Syria (2014); airstrikes on al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front & Khorasan positions (2014); continuous attacks on ISIS/ISIL & al-Nusra Front positions in both Iraq and Syria (2014); raids in Yemen against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (2014); USN ships were sent to the Strait of Hormuz in response to Iran; U.S. military troops sent to Cameroon to provide support to local forces (2015) (CRS, 2020). The most-reported engagements included US attacks against ISIS/ISIL, and to a lesser extent Obama’s military support of the Nigerian army against Boko Haram, support of Uganda against the Lord’s Resistance Army, as well as combat soldiers supporting the Philippines against Abu Sayyaf, an Islamic State affiliate, and other Qaeda-linked militants (CRS, 2022; Wikipedia, 2022).

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                You said “the entire globe”, not “the middle east”

                Thanks for linking me a Quora answer though, that’s where I get all my news!

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  -28 months ago

                  Yeah we didn’t even get into Africa and South America yet.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Quora ahahahah

                Also a whole block of text all to say he fought against ISIS and al-Qaeda. I wonder who else fought against them… Oh yeah, Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria and pretty much every other country they came in contact with.

                Now that they are mostly gone, the Levant is more stable. I wonder if he helped stabilize or destabilize the region…

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  38 months ago

                  I wonder why ISIS exists. Oh yeah because America overthrew the government that was in place and left a massive power vacuum so they could get cheap oil.

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              18 months ago

              Stalin gets credited for like 1.5mil not 8 mil.

              War crimes and civilian casualties by the Red Army during the march on Berlin also not counted.

              Hahaha what the hell is this line are you defending the Nazis now?

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                I’m talking about the murders and mass rapes that happened in Nazi occupied countries after the arrival of the Red army. Go ask the Baltic states, the Polish, the Hungarians, the Romanians etc.

                Also that number is just the “confirmed and directly attributable” deaths caused by Stalin in just the Soviet union. The real.number of death caused directly or indirectly by him is sooo much higher

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  18 months ago

                  Yes and you have clearly done exactly zero research into the crimes of American presidents because the number of people they have directly and indirectly killed is far far higher.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      8 months ago

      Lemmy.world users defend the Iraq invasion.

      Try asking them what they think of Edward Snowden sometime.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          8 months ago

          PugJesus and many more.

          Go search my comment history for Snowden on you’ll find plenty of superlibs who will justify anything if anyone from the opposing party had any connection with Russia.

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    Différence is : you can post this meme in the west and you won’t get charged or anything. At most you got banned from a website because either you’re a troll or massively not doing anyone favour.

    Share this picture on qq. I dare you.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      8 months ago

      That’s weird I recall .world users whining a lot about getting banned from .ml

      You mean that censoring western war crimes is fine because they’re white?

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Mate, gotta say, if you’re a troll, you’re a bloody good one. Si i’m gonna assume you are genuine.

        ? .ml is very tankie, just less than lemmygrad. When you say anything about China that’s not praise (Including facts, like Evergrande bankruptcy meaning China is definitely not in a good economic shape), you’re worthy of a ban. Experiences may vary doe.

        You’re putting on the same level Barack Obama and Joe Biden to Kim Jong Un and Mao. While all of the people you display in your meme are war criminals, there just are not comparable in the scale and the means every one of them achieved those warcrimes. Also again, there’s that difference that saying that Biden is a war criminal may get you banned from a website at worst. Saying Mao is a war criminal in China will get you imprisoned. Try also saying war is bad in Russia. I’m gonna quote somebody else “In the USA, when a protest is repressed in the blood, everyone in the country (and in the world lmao) will riot about it. In Russia/China, it will just be a Monday”. They are not comparable in the tyranny they enforce on their people.

        I really wish you’re genuine tho.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          8 months ago

          So you clearly have no idea about all the war crimes America commits. Nor anything else about America on the world stage.

          Lemmy.world banned me for this post above pointing out American war crimes. Free speech you say lmao.

          Tell me why did Assagne go to jail for exposing American crimes? You’re saying that’s legal right?

          Also do explain the amount of free speech in this video https://streamable.com/fduh1x

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            You’re comparing things that are orders of magnitude inequal.

            Freedom of speech is in the government level, not on the individual (you can only get attacked on your speechs by individuals, as freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences)

            Assange was freed after all. Navalny died in prison.

            That video you shared is not illegal to share in any country.

            I checked your comments and I see a lot of hate in “The west”. Thing is, you’re not helping your case being so aggressive. You’re comparing incomparable things and attacking everyone who disagrees with you. Not everyone is a psyop mate. Paraphrasing Churchill (which, in my opinion is a far bigger war criminal than any of your Western examples) : “The West is the worst side, excepting everyone else”

            If you really believe if what you’re saying, you should reflect a bit more on your fight. All you’re doing right now is polarizing people and basically negatively impacting the causes you’re fighting for.

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              8 months ago

              Lib defends Genocide and pretends to have moral high ground because he moves the goalpost somewhere.

              Do tell why Assagne was proscecuted, you fail to answer every question.

              If Chinese people can’t say something about Xinyang, surely Americans can expose their governments war crimes right?

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    Yo, op is super eager to argue. Just in case any of y’all wanna practice talking to an angry brick wall, have at it!

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      8 months ago

      Do you post the same comment when libs say they get banned from .ml?

  • @tory
    08 months ago

    Removed by mod