Highly reliable liberal newspaper btw.

  • @[email protected]
    167 months ago

    Yeah - this whole situation reeks.

    Israel rarely misses an opportunity to try to provoke Lebanon into a war, and they ramped up their efforts on the heels of the Gaza invasion, and have been notably aggressive about it in the last month or two. And Lebanon has consistently refused to rise to the bait.

    And now, literally from out of nowhere, Hezbollah launches a rocket at a children’s sports field for no discernible reason?

    Bullshit. I have zero doubt that Israelis launched that attack, in a cynical and murderous attempt to trigger the war they so transparently have been trying to start. They’re clearly - obviously - the only ones who could possibly benefit from it, they’ve been trying to provoke a war with Lebanon for months now to no avail and they self-evidently have no morals or principles and will kill anyone to get what they want. Everything points to the same conclusion - Israel did it.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      7 months ago

      Almaydeen wrote a great article pointing out that the impact crater is far too small for a 50kg Falaq1 rocket warhead which israel claims caused the explosio

      This is the impact crater in Majdal Shams

      This is a known impact of a Falaq1 rocket

      So the blast crater looks nothing like you’d expect. And Falaq1 rockets do not blast into flames but rather have a big shockwave warhead, as they burn all their fuel on launch, we would not expect the fireball.

      Lastly they are not GPS guided but just “dumb” rockets. Launched at an angle and calculated where they will land. So GPS jamming could not affect them. But Hezbollah never targets the Druze areas so this too does not check out.

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      I’m not saying youre necessarily wrong, but it’s not like hezbollahs militants have decent trigger discipline. Peak tensions combined with an armed fanatic and an easy target has a tendency to end in violence.

      • @[email protected]
        157 months ago

        …it’s not like hezbollahs militants have decent trigger discipline

        Except that they do, demonstrably and consistently.

        Israel isn’t going to let an opportunity to try to gain international sympathy go unremarked, yet in spite of the fact that Hezbollah has launched thousands of attacks on Israeli targets at the border in recent months, even resulting in 33 recorded civilian casualties, this is the first one that Israel has been able to at all successfully milk for sympathy. That indicates significant discipline and restraint - to not only confine themselves to military targets, but to do so so consistently that the Israeli propaganda machine hasn’t even been able to successfully pretend otherwise, until now.

    • @yesman
      -57 months ago

      So it’s a false flag? Thanks Alex Jones.

  • Porto881
    7 months ago

    The US is an Israeli-controlled state. Stopping arms shipments to them isn’t enough, we need to start arming Palestine, Iran, etc. and make right on decades of anti-brown racism and Western imperialism.

    • @yesman
      187 months ago

      start arming Palestine, Iran, etc.

      This is as wrong as two left shoes. I don’t want to be complicit in their fucking crimes either!

      • Porto881
        -17 months ago

        Who said anything about war? It’s far too late to take back the billions of dollars of offensive “aid” we’ve given to Israel, but it’s not too late to give their neighbors (Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, etc.) the tools and training they need to defend themselves.

    • sunzu
      -27 months ago

      US is controlled by Israel lol

      This shit has no benefit to US but Israel benefits huge…

      • Porto881
        7 months ago

        If you want to talk about election interference, look into AIPAC. The fact that AIPAC has ties to every level of government - left and right, state and federal - isn’t some Elders of Zion conspiracy theory, they are openly bragging about sponsoring nearly every “elected” official in our government. No one gets office without AIPAC money, and no one gets AIPAC money without promising loyalty to the Israeli state. It’s time to get our democracy back and remove ourselves from the largest terrorist organization in the Middle East.

        • sunzu
          07 months ago


          Step 1: they must register as a foreign agent and deprived of tax exempt status