Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and U.S. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday they agreed the Venezuelan government must quickly publish the vote tallies of Sunday’s contested election to end the crisis in the oil-producing country.

“The two leaders agreed on the need for immediate release of full, transparent, and detailed voting data,” the White House said in a statement.

A Brazilian official who listened in to the 30-minute call requested by the White House said Lula insisted that both countries wait for the release of the tallies before taking a final position on the election.

“The conversation showed Brazil and the United States have similar positions that access to the vote tallies is indispensable,” the source said.

In Venezuela, protesters took to streets, waving flags and demanding President Nicolas Maduro acknowledge he lost Sunday’s election to an opposition that claimed it clinched a landslide victory.

In Washington, the Biden administration said electoral manipulation had stripped Maduro’s claim of reelection victory of “any credibility,” and Washington left the door open to fresh sanctions on the OPEC nation.

Venezuela must release vote tallies to “resolve the dispute,” Lula said in an interview with a TV Globo affiliate, adding that if they confirmed Maduro’s victory, that result would have to be recognized.

Yet countless online fascists will proclaim this as “Socialism, Aktually”, since socialism is when you take power from the proletariat, and the more power you take from the proletariat, the more socialist it is.

  • @[email protected]
    167 months ago

    Lula’s always been pretty good with calling out other people’s bullshit around Latin America, it isn’t particularly surprising that he’d do that (and the same applies to Biden). Shame that he doesn’t have the courage to do the same with Russia though, even if that’s more because Russia has held Brazil’s agricultural market by the balls for a while now.

  • @RizzRustbolt
    27 months ago

    “Oil-producing country”

    Damn Reuters, you crazy.

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    • Lemminary
      87 months ago

      I don’t think I get it. Can you walk me through this logic?

        • Lemminary
          47 months ago

          On faith, right? I gotta trust it makes sense and go with it.

      • Lemminary
        97 months ago

        Is a coup when you’re asked to do a thing and you do it?

          • Lemminary
            27 months ago

            I kindly couped my friend to let me borrow his bike but he didn’t appreciate that I tore down the door and set his couch on fire. That’s his fault, he should’ve known how couping works! Anwyay, I’m a proud owner of a bike now.