• @[email protected]
    307 months ago

    What a movie. Robert Patrick absolutely nailed it, from memory one of the reasons he was chosen was because he was super athletic and could sprint without breathing through his mouth or appearing fatigued which really made his character scary as heck.

    In the scene where he runs after John Connor while they are getting away on the motorbike, apparently he actually caught them in the first take as well which is pretty mental.

    Damn now I need to watch this again.

    • @Visstix
      7 months ago

      Also, I think he never blinked in any shots either which helps with the creepyness

      • @Lenis_78
        117 months ago

        Terminator 2: Judgment Day

          • @[email protected]
            97 months ago

            Make sure to watch the Director’s Cut - the theatrical release had some poor edits that made the plot make much less sense.

            You may also want to watch the first Terminator movie as well. I think most people consider the second one better but the first is great too. After that there are NO OTHER TERMINATOR MOVIES

            • @ChronosTriggerWarning
              127 months ago

              Amusing anecdote time!

              My dad took me to see this in the theater opening weekend. The theater lost audio during the helicopter chase scene. The movie kept rolling on screen, just no sound was playing. I’ve never seen humanity collectively come together like that theater did in that moment…

              One person starting shouting "BANG! BANG! BANGBANGBANG!" to fill in for the guns. Another fine soul starting making helicopter “wufwufwufwuf” noises. When Sarah Connor gets hit, a woman screamed “I’M HIT!” The whole audience came together and made lemonade, and it was glorious.

              That’s when they got the audio working again. The audience shared a collective laugh and applause, and we finished watching one of the best action movies ever produced.

              I fucking love Judgment Day.

    • @jaybone
      37 months ago

      So two of them are a third of one duck? So the duck is six blonds in a trench coat?

    • @ChronosTriggerWarning
      17 months ago

      Two blondes were driving to Disneyland. They see a sign on the highway that’s says Disneyland: Left, so they turned around and went home.

  • midori
    77 months ago


  • @iamericandre
    27 months ago

    Cmon Tony, our kids go to school together