• @snekerpimp
    207 months ago

    I’m sure a pastor that preaches that government officials don’t have to follow the law if they deem it is “immoral” or against the rule of God is gaining a fuckton of support from the party where they already believe that government officials don’t have to follow the law just because they are government officials.

    • @Passerby6497
      87 months ago

      Sounds like someone’s parish needs to get audited and lose tax exempt status for this kind of politicking.

  • worldwidewave
    87 months ago

    This guy is an absolute crackpot who thinks lawmakers don’t need to be law-followers, and preached that to the fucking police!

    There’s so many wild quotes in the article from this “far right thought leader”, but this had to be the dumbest:

    In a brief interview, I asked Trewhella about his reputational shift over the decades. He responded: “Most people will always only care about three things in life: me, myself and I. … It’s only because of their mundane, self-absorbed lives that they would think someone like me is an extremist. That’s my answer.”

    Trewhella did not respond to over a dozen attempts to set up a second interview. He did not answer written questions by email and refused a certified letter containing them.

    I’m only considered extreme because you’re selfish.

  • Optional
    27 months ago
    • Trewhella says that he promotes nonviolence. But after an activist killed an abortion provider in 1993, he signed a document describing the murder of these doctors as “justifiable.”

    Hold up, hold up - you’re suggesting a far-right pastor is some kind of, what, i don’t know, hypocrite??

    I mean - pfft. That’s. That’s pretty far-fetched isn’t it?

  • Media Bias Fact CheckerB
    07 months ago
    Propublica Media Bias Fact Check Credibility: [High] (Click to view Full Report)

    Name: Propublica Bias: Left-Center
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