Gold 🥇 and Bronze 🥉

  • @Etterra
    91 month ago

    While I don’t care about the Olympics, I care very much that Ukraine won something which Russia did not.

  • @njm1314
    61 month ago

    Man I was rooting for so hard when she went for the world record the end. I wasn’t aware that was a thing they could do.

    • @Tinks
      31 month ago

      Same! Some of her earlier jumps would have easily cleared it, but she didn’t quite make it on the last one. Still though, really awesome showing by Ukraine!!

  • @Rose
    -61 month ago

    Must be the XY chromosomes. /s

    • Vanon
      41 month ago

      (I think the joke is that Russians love to claim, without sharing any evidence, absurd things when they lose, or their enemies win. As they did in the women’s boxing match. Ukraine is their enemy. It all originates from Putin having a deformed micropenis.)