• @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    I’m sure the smoldering dumpster fire that is the remains of Twitter actively promotes all sorts of braincell-eroding content, exactly as intended by its equally degenerate owner.

    • @NegativeInf
      111 month ago

      Outrage generates clicks and impressions.

    • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
      51 month ago

      It’s gross over there. I visit just to add to the depravity in my own way.

  • @Gingerlegs
    1 month ago

    Omg who saw this coming? 🙄

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      Everyone who watched Zuckerberg slide for election meddeling. If your rich and white they let you do it.

  • @[email protected]
    371 month ago

    Social media platforms have officially taken over the role of traditional media except with none of the liability.

  • Pasta Dental
    371 month ago

    Sometimes I think about his downfall, like at some point it seemed everyone liked him or had a somewhat positive view of him. Now he bans the word “cis” but allows doxxing people and the regular use of the hard-r (I’ve seen it used as a direct insult to a black person) on his platform

    • @Red_October
      291 month ago

      Loads of people on the left liked him. Even I liked him. It’s almost funny really. Way back when, his goals were commendable. The proliferation of electric cars was an Eco-friendly dream. Tesla battery projects were poised to expand renewable energy source utilization. Basically everything SpaceX was doing with reusable rockets was just really cool to the nerd demographic. All he had to do was shut the fuck up, let the work speak for itself, and people would still like him. Not without black marks on his record, of course, but on balance, people would probably like him.

      But no. Elmo couldn’t shut the fuck up, a problem he continues to have at every turn, and people learned who he really is. His electric vehicle baby stopped being the scrappy upstart with teething problems, and started being a manufacturing disaster that had loose production tolerances matched only by the loose tolerances on what qualified as acceptable working conditions. SpaceX decided that cluttering orbit with thousands of disposable satellites was cool, and the environment and astronomy could fuck off. The only stories about Tesla Batteries that followed were about how quickly they lost their capacity and how expensive they were to replace. And Elmo himself bought a globally known communications company, immediately obliterated it’s value, and turned it into a cesspit of literal Nazis and lies. And this is the abridged list.

      All Elon Musk had to do was shut the fuck up and people would have liked him. Just goes to show that “Just be yourself” is really shitty advice for some people.

    • LustyArgonianMana
      91 month ago

      I don’t think he’s hit rock bottom yet, actually. That will happen whenever Tesla’s stock value goes to something reasonable. And/or when Saudi princes demand Musk deliver on something he can’t. He’s been playing some dangerous games from the sounds of things.

    • Stern
      61 month ago

      Fired his PR guys and it was downhill from there.

    • @Paddzr
      21 month ago

      Signs were there, we just ignored them. Like for fucks sake, we got this impression from Joe Rogan podcast? Because that’s one of few public things he’s done back then.

  • @Snapz
    221 month ago

    When asked for comment about the latest video falsely showing Harris garbling her words, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung doubled down on the content, claiming that the obviously phony video was authentic. (“Your phone or computer must be fucked up,” he said.)

    We’re just so far beyond the point where you should be honoring “titles” like official spokesperson and engaging with these people. That Cheung guy hates himself so fucking much, what a goon . This guy has a one way ticket to the “first they came for…” point of the fascism party. He probably proudly wears a shirt that says “I’m one of the good ones!”

    Dangerous for media to try to “business as usual” interact with these psychotic fucks though. Just look at that response… We really are just monkeys that are easily confused by suits somehow suggesting legitimacy.

    • @Goodmorningsunshine
      81 month ago

      Dangerous for media to try to “business as usual” interact with these psychotic fucks though

      The American media really is a danger at this point. They’re wholly owned by corporate and billionaire interests and amplify the narratives that will get Trump elected.

  • @Sam_Bass
    221 month ago

    He has no answers for any of the nations problems other than to deepen them. He does not deserve any credence whatsoever.

  • @hOrni
    151 month ago

    A simple retaliation would be sharing deep fakes of trump. But it’s impossible to come up with something fake, worse than the things he actually said and done.

    • @Goodmorningsunshine
      101 month ago

      Not really. You just gotta deepfake something to ignite the homophobes. That might be the only thing they hate more than themselves.

        • @hOrni
          31 month ago

          You only need to fake the first part. The second will be a recreation.

  • d00phy
    151 month ago

    Can we just start putting “terms of service” in quotes when talking about Xitter?

    … or really any social media site?