• @ThatOneKrazyKaptainOP
    37 months ago

    I will say RFK Jr existing is the best defense Trump’s had for the ‘weird’ allegations and ever will have. Anyone looks normal next to that confused milliner. And he’s literally ‘mad as a hatter’ in the classical sense, I mean that. (Also even if he didn’t eat this particular bear the fact he wanted to makes me think that’s where he got the trichinosis from. Most of the pork in the US is safe these days, but bear meat is the fucking worst of it. Either that or wild boar or something…)

    • @ThatOneKrazyKaptainOP
      27 months ago

      (That’s also why I never liked that strategy. Being more dangerous than Trump would be difficult. Being weirder’s doable, albeit the timing here is hillarious. There are thousands of millionaires with ties to Epstein and views on democracy that range from ‘meh’ to ‘guidelines instead of rules’. RFK Jr is uh…he’s one of a kind among politicians, the uh, dead animal shenanigans are a new one even in the MAGA era. I’m pretty sure even fucking Sarah Pallin is saying “Ya’ll good?” at this shit. I don’t think the New Yorker is going to need to spin anything, you done spun yourself. Or the worm did. Or the mercury. I’m half expecting him to come out advocating for treating everything with whiskey and laudanum at this point)

  • @TropicalDingdong
    27 months ago

    After reading the other r JFK story…

    I feel like I’m stuck on Mr Toads Dumbest ride