Retro Gaming Innovation: Game Boy Gets a CRT Screen

Imagine holding your favorite Game Boy in one hand and experiencing its classic games with the warm, flickering glow of a CRT television! Thanks to a creative modder known as James Channel, this retro gaming dream became a reality. His latest project involves fitting a brand-new CRT screen from AliExpress into a Game Boy case, creating an unconventional yet functional device.

The Technical Journey to Gaming Nirvana/Madness

James’s process was a testament to ingenuity and tenacity. He fused the CRT screen into the Game Boy case, rearranged circuit boards, applied copious amounts of hot glue for stability, and made other necessary adjustments. Remarkably, this homemade device actually works! However, its power consumption is high compared to an LCD display, resulting in a battery life of just two minutes and five seconds.

Not So Portable

The CRT screen’s bulk makes it (a lot) less portable than the original Game Boy, limiting its mobility beyond your immediate surroundings. But for avid retro gamers, this custom mod offers a unique experience.

Would you consider modifying a vintage console like this? What other innovations in retro gaming would you love to see?

  • @ninjabard
    257 months ago

    James is great. I discovered his channel through the garbage universe (Dank Pods, Garbage Time, Drum Thing, etc.)

  • @mostNONheinous
    147 months ago

    Honestly 2minutes 5 seconds of battery is kinda how it felt back in the day anyway, time flies when you are having fun.

  • @ClipperDefiance
    117 months ago

    If you listen closely to the buzzing it makes you can hear the Game Boy begging for the sweet release of death.

    In all seriousness though, I’m more than happy with the available “off-the-shelf” Game Boy mods. Not to mention that things like this are way beyond my skill level.

    • Zaemz
      47 months ago

      I surprised myself at how loud I laughed at the battery life lol

  • @Dasnap
    67 months ago

    Watching the video, it also looks like he made a cursed ‘portable Super Game Boy’ at some point.

  • SavvyWolf
    57 months ago

    Finaly! A way to play GBA fighting games with less input latency!

    (Interestingly, I imagine this would have more latency, since I imagine things are being copied to a framebuffer before being drawn on the crt?)

  • Admiral Patrick
    47 months ago

    Would you consider modifying a vintage console like this?

    Not like that, lol. Feels like seeing my best friend from childhood beheaded and paraded around.

    Game Boys are what they are, IMO, including all the quirks and limitations. I don’t particularly like seeing them modded let alone mutilated.

    That said, I do like the modern remakes with full color screens, extra buttons, and such that don’t destroy a vintage unit in the process.

    • @mostNONheinous
      67 months ago

      Ehh, these game boys were pretty thrashed to begin with. They guy clearly loves game boys as he flashed a shot of a shelf with about 30 in great shape.