She did not touch on his claim that people who don’t have kids are more sociopathic.

  • @[email protected]
    2491 month ago

    I wonder how she fits all the cognitive dissonance in her head?

    Lady, he’s actively courting white supremacists and you are not white. Things are going to come to a head at some point for you in a very personal sense.

    • @[email protected]
      1691 month ago

      Lady, he’s actively courting white supremacists and you are not white.

      She’s pretty sure the leopards won’t eat her face though.

      • Optional
        241 month ago

        She’s probably right until the third or fourth year after the reich is installed.

      • the post of tom joad
        1 month ago

        If the leopards win my small hope will be that i get to see her, clarence t and their ilks faces after they outlive their use and are up against the wall next to the people they sold out

    • @fluxion
      601 month ago

      And if her kids ever refer to themselves as Indian god forbid they ever mention their white background because according to Trump that’s illegal.

      So make sure the pick the proper race qt the beginning, like the half-elven in LOTR

    • @[email protected]
      281 month ago

      What you need to understand is that India has a rigid caste system based on inheritance just like the US does; there was one already there in a lot of places and the britishers codified the hell out of it.

      Many upper class Indian people don’t see a conflict with white supremacy because they come from, and benefit from, the exact same system.

      Somebody like Vivek Ramaswamy, for example. He looks like a dude with dark skin to a generic American. But that combination of names is a giveaway that he’s a Tamil Brahmin; once you see his nose and forehead you have a pretty good guess of what his ancestral temple allegiance is; this all happens automatically for people from India (I am not but was married into a Tam-Bram family for 20 years and I picked it up myself).

      I’m not saying that this is determinative of political stances; I know plenty of democratic voting upper crust Indians. But somebody like Usha Vance or Vivek Ramaswamy looks in the mirror and sees a Brahmin, which is the equivalent of me looking in the mirror and seeing a white person. They do not perceive themselves as a “minority”.

      • @[email protected]
        151 month ago

        Oh, I very much get that it’s probably related in some way to the caste system. I also think that the higher-caste/lighter-skinned Indians don’t really understand white supremacy if they think they’re gonna get a pass just because they’re wealthy and not quite as dark-skinned as other castes.

      • nifty
        1 month ago

        You’re right, that’s exactly how race supremacists see themselves relative to other people. However, these things are a fragile and temporary alliance till they deal with the “undesirables”. Funny thing, the status of “undesirable” is ever shifting. Many white people and white immigrants of Italian or Irish descent were considered “undesirable” in early U.S. history. There’s never any rational to race supremacy other than protecting the “in-group”, and that changes with the changing tides of power

        Edit Vance is Scot-Irish, and sadly his people have this in their ancestral history

    • @FrostyTheDoo
      201 month ago

      She checks the bank account and the dissonance is worth it to her

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      161 month ago

      She does it by being just as awful if not worse than him

  • @Buffalox
    1161 month ago

    JD Vance is the best choice EVER for a republican VP candidate.
    Please continue both of you, you are really helping.
    Hey BTW why don’t you turn it up a notch, that would be even better. 😋

    • @dhork
      521 month ago

      It’s like JD Vance came directly from the Central Casting couch.

  • @[email protected]
    1051 month ago

    She then claimed that if people would take a moment to try to “understand…the context” of her husband’s comment and focus less on the “three-word phrase,” they would understand that he was simply arguing that “it can be really hard to be a parent in this country, and sometimes our policies are designed in a way that make it even harder.”

    Our policies. Policies like being against school lunches? Like voting against a child tax credit? Like not supporting or opposing funding for childcare? Like opposing paid parental leave? I don’t know, it sure feels like some folks in particular have made it their goal to continue hardships for parents and children.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      This is great. This is usually the kind of over explaining Democrats end up doing. Seeing the GOP getting stuck in this media hole is a breath of fresh air

  • OhStopYellingAtMe
    1 month ago

    Just more proof that “Pro-Life” is a lie.
    Republicans are the party of “Anti-Choice.”

    • unalivejoy
      401 month ago

      They’re the party of “against whatever the Democrats are for”

      • @takeda
        181 month ago

        In this topic they are anti choice not because of Democrats, but because of the Christian base. This is why they also are for banning contraception.

  • @just_another_person
    681 month ago

    “I will lie and say absolutely anything to get me and my husband into the Vice Presidency. I’m a giant piece of shit.” - Usha Vance (probably)

  • katy ✨
    1 month ago

    the fact that they’re still stuck in this news cycle shows how much of a terrible pick this was from trump.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      1 month ago

      We’re hype about Harris/Walz, they are hype about a scraped ear on a geezer.

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      171 month ago

      Well they have party members fighting those “trying to have kids” via in vitro, so now they have to sort out that her statement doesn’t line up with their party as well I suppose.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      51 month ago

      Terrible for who though? Certainly not terrible for all the sane minded people out there.

    • @captainlezbian
      11 month ago

      Yeah he’s a senator who while a republican backed by Thiel money barely won in Ohio. He was a very unwise pick

  • jprice
    611 month ago

    It’s funny to see that his wife is just as stupid as him. Billionaires and their proxies are such disgusting, weird human pieces of shit, and it shows!

  • @dhork
    531 month ago

    They should be 100% behind the gays then, they keep having sex but are never successful at getting pregnant.

    • @norimee
      361 month ago

      He should also support adoption by same sex couples, surrogacy and IVF, but I kinda doubt he does.

      • @teamevil
        111 month ago

        Holy shit… because I’m 43 and I never had kids I didn’t ever realize the subtext is to fully delegitimize same sex couples, wow the right is on the wrong side of history

        • Optional
          21 month ago

          username checks . . . out?

          • @teamevil
            21 month ago

            It’s actually from joking about voting for McCain and Palin, the response was go ahead and vote for team evil… much simpler times

  • @Fedizen
    461 month ago

    His wife is amazingly as bad at this as he is.

  • @Etterra
    461 month ago

    I love how she’s like, “Oh no he wasn’t insulting you specifically.” Like dude, he’s already insulting people for something completely insane, it doesn’t matter which group of people he’s targeting. No wonder she’s with him.

    • @hogunner
      221 month ago

      Anyone who is fine insulting people for their mixed race heritage while also having mixed race kids of their own is a a special type of asshole. There’s ignorance (which can be fixed) and then there’s being a complete sociopath who sells their own children’s wellbeing just for career advancement. I feel very sorry for their kids.

  • the post of tom joad
    441 month ago

    What’s dumb about this whole thing is the same folks who would insult people who choose to be childless are also the type to insult people for having children ‘they can’t afford’.

    Standard deflection by the powerful who of course created this situation of economic and environmental insecurity causing people to decide not to have children.

    I’m one of those. No way am i making a kid. Used to want one. Can’t afford it and wouldn’t doom anyone to the future i see

  • @Riccosuave
    411 month ago


    ⬆️ Vance Family

  • @58008
    361 month ago

    It’s strange that their animosity towards the childless is an order of magnitude more vocal and persistent than their animosity towards the MAGA voters who racially abused, and continue to racially abuse, Mrs. Vance and their children. One might even go so far as to call this disparity “weird”.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      41 month ago

      Repugnicunts know they aren’t getting any meaningful growth from new converts, so they rely on the Catholic Church’s tactic of forcing all of their faction to give birth as much as possible to make up for the numbers.

  • @FordBeeblebrox
    1 month ago

    I have a question. I have actively chosen to not have kids because I don’t want to, but I once went into a MEPS and literally signed my life away to Uncle Sam as a tool of the Navy.

    Does that make me more or less American than the people who just cum in each other for something to do on a Tuesday, because they’re in America?

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      181 month ago

      I’m choosing not to have kids because of all the fucked up genetics in my family.

      Tons of depression, cancer, mental illness and antisocial behavior. I don’t want anyone else to have to suffer what I’ve had to deal with this life.

      • @FanciestPants
        91 month ago

        I hope you’re well, mate. That sounds like a rough lot, but I really hope that you have folks around you that love you, and can be good for you. I had a friend that I probably didn’t tell enough that I wanted to be there for him when he was down. It can be hard for people watching loved ones struggle and not knowing how to engage with it, but I hope that it isn’t seen as them not caring, and hope that you have those friends or family ready to support you, even I’d they don’t quite know how to right away.

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)
          31 month ago

          Thank you, and I do have a pretty good support group. If anything has gone well in my life is that there are a few people I can rely on and who get me and are always there. And I can’t imagine how hard this life would have been without them.

      • @Valmond
        31 month ago

        That’s very altruistic of you. You can always adopt if you want to have kids btw.

  • SolidGrue
    351 month ago

    Ah. Well that clears it all up, then. Thanks for the insight, I guess?

    /please blink three times if you are under duress