• @chemical_cutthroat
    271 month ago

    Should have propositioned a minor. Apparently you can do that and still compete.

    • ZagorathOPM
      211 month ago

      Propositioned? The Dutch player had sex with a 12-year-old. Multiple times.

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        171 month ago

        Oh, I know. It just seems like every time I call the pedophile a pedophile I get down voted for it, so I’m using libertarian friendly language, now.

        • ZagorathOPM
          151 month ago

          Personally I would go out of my way to use libertarian-unfriendly language. But still, the issue I have with the term “propositioned” is that it kinda implies that he may not have gone through with it.

        • @Mango
          -31 month ago

          I’m pretty sure libertarian is a stance on business and government regulation(or lack thereof), so how is that relevant? I guess whatever your crowd is just thinks the way to go is tossing insults at your opposition wherever you can.

          • @chemical_cutthroat
            1 month ago

            Many Libertarians hold the belief that as long as a person has reached puberty, they can consent to sexual contact.

            Edit: For shits and giggles, here is a post from @[email protected]

            You don’t think there’s an evolutionary advantage to getting at girls first when they’re young as possible before other guys do?

            Yeah. So… I understand why they might be so angry about the Libertarian jab, now. Even pedophiles don’t want to be called Libertarians…

            • @Mango
              -11 month ago

              I don’t care about libertarians, and your quote is very out of context. I’m only bothered by you people who think you gotta drag down everyone around you. My conversation was about evolution where sex is the only way you make a blip on the radar. Shit like rape and pedophilia are literally competitive advantages which explains why it’s such common behavior.

              People like you who make talk about it taboo are the people who enable it by keeping it hidden. It absolutely needs to be addressed if we’re going to promote bodily autonomy and consent as the better means of building the future. Get over yourself and get over your instincts.

              • southsamurai
                51 month ago

                Coming across this, a bit of advice?

                There’s two mistakes you’re making.

                The first is bothering to try and discuss the subject online when there’s another wave of moral panic around the subject.

                The second is in engaging with people after the first exchange shows they’re not on the same wavelength.

                It’s one of those things where you’ve got good points, but they aren’t points people will stop and think about at all. They’ll just keep having emotional reactions because that’s how they are. That’s how most people approach life. They feel something, and react. Once that happens, there’s no reason to reevaluate the situation because there’s an assumption of being right because they feel it.

                Doesn’t help that you let yourself fall into the slapfight really fast, but that’s not really cogent to how it starts.

                • @Mango
                  01 month ago

                  Yeah, I guess I’m feeding trolls who lack the self awareness to handle their instincts.

              • @chemical_cutthroat
                -11 month ago

                Yoooo. My guy doubled down on his pedophilia. Bro… you need to check yourself into some kind of treatment center. I looked through some more of your posting, and I hope you don’t live in Portland. I’d hate to ever cross paths with you.

  • @comrade19
    191 month ago

    Can you not do cocaine FOR ONE WEEK TOM. Other Aussies will be like ‘ah poor fella, chin up and have another go m8’

    • metaStatic
      151 month ago

      What else is he gonna do? wait until he gets back home where it’s 10x more expensive? Can’t blame a guy for making smart financial decisions.

      • @comrade19
        21 month ago

        I have heard its absolutely shithouse in Australia compared to anywhere else haha. Ive never tried it but for some reason Australians still love the crappy stuff we get

        • metaStatic
          41 month ago

          People say Americans are stupid but Australia has the highest cocaine* prices in the world and also the highest number of users

          *I like to say it’s basically Lidocaine and Meth and any trace amounts of Cocaine are incidental.

  • southsamurai
    61 month ago


    I mean, maybe, but I’ve never met an Aussie personally that would give two shits. They’d call him a cunt and forget about it in twenty minutes.

    • ZagorathOPM
      11 month ago

      Yeah I wouldn’t even call him a cunt. A fucking idiot, sure, but he was only hurting himself by doing it, so I don’t much care. It’s a stupid way to ruin his career though.