Former President Donald Trump spent nearly an hour at his Palm Beach, Florida, social club on Thursday ranting to a room full of reporters as he tries to grab the spotlight from a resurgent Democratic ticket fronted by Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

  • @ABCDE
    1267 months ago

    He’s worried that the media attention is not on him.

    • @NegativeInf
      497 months ago

      If he wasn’t a living rerun, maybe more people would give a shit.

      • @[email protected]
        107 months ago

        *sigh* Yes, he’s genuinely a threat to democracy, and the entire world… But his whole schtick is also really tired, old, and weird.

        • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
          7 months ago

          The more you think of it, reality TV, is the real threat to the entire world. Trump was boen in the bowels of false expecting and production managers on the cutting room floor making creating narratives and then feeding it to the masses as “reality.” I really dread the advent of the youtube president and maybe if we live in a benevolent world the TikTok president will be ok.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        7 months ago

        I also think Kamala doesn’t mind being out in front, which is refreshing. Hilary never wanted to do press during her run, who would, but I don’t know how she thought she could run a campaign like that.

        Biden, too, though. Trump was DOA in 2024, he just had to sit back and put his name on the ticket. Sure, after his last debate in 2024 he attempted to make the rounds but it was obvious why he shouldn’t run at that point.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      Why was the room full of reporters in the first place? The best move here is to let him rant to an empty room

  • @[email protected]
    617 months ago

    The press needs to stop going to these things and stop reporting every little thing Trump does… Just treat him like they do Bernie, pretend he doesn’t exist

    • @Johnmannesca
      267 months ago

      I wish you were wrong about the Bernie part

  • @Nobody
    547 months ago

    I watched a little to see if he was dropping Vance, but it was too low energy to stay interested. Sad!

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      Is that even allowed after they are both part of the ticket and he’s the official Nominee? I realize asking Trump to follow the law is a bold strategy, but…

      • @LifeInMultipleChoice
        7 months ago

        I wonder if they could split regressives in Vance’s state enough to guarantee a loss there if they dropped him

  • @[email protected]
    547 months ago

    Quite a wild read. And the response from Harris is perfect:

    In a press release, the Harris campaign called Trump “the most insecure man in America.”

    • @CatZoomies
      87 months ago

      Trump stumbled into the chat: “The most insecure man in America, biggest there’s ever been. I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone more insecure, and nobody knows more about it than me. I’ve drawn in record insecurity, just ask and they’ll tell you. Tremendous, truly. But insecure? Doubtful. Such a shame, it’s tragic, really it is. But I tell you, and I was talking to the Uh - you know who - and they said, why are you so insecure? And I responded, I’ve drawn in more crowds than, and look, Kim Jong Un even respects me, I’ve had great relations with the Russians. They’re frowning now at us, they don’t respect us nor do they want to do business with us. Insecure? This country is tumbling, and when I win back the election because it was, and look it was stolen, but when I get the president back, I swear, we’re gonna make it bigger than it’s ever been before. Insecure? Look we’ll make it more secure. It will be big secure. Best we’ve ever seen; and we’re doing great things, really great things for the jobs and the economy. EVs are heavy - no one wants them, they want gas, diesel cars, big trucks, and EVs. But I tell you no one wants EVs. But they’re so heavy, I don’t know if you all know this since I’ve got a smart—- * gestures vaguely at head * —- you know what. But I ask them to turn around the cameras. No one’s gonna show you that, and it’s just really sad. My crowd size is huge, I’ve drawn in more people than Dr King did. Just look at the fountains, nothing changed, the people were there and you see. The crowds were big, and they try to say I brought 2000. If they said I brought 2000, then they’d say ‘oh his campaign is over he’s finished.’ But I let them have it with Dr King, because I like King and I like black people. But media won’t tell you that, they just uh cut the facts down to whatever fits their fake news, and then, so we see Biden, you know? And I was all set for him, but then they brought in the most unpopular war criminal, Harris, who is barely compliment, and look she has no brains, I got big brains. She couldn’t pass the BART test and pass laws, she can’t even debate. No complimency, it’s true. You have to trust me on this because it’s such a sad time. Shameful really. I’m most unsecured, sorry, most insecure man there’s ever been. We’re gonna make this country great because we’re about to go on world war 2 again. I can make friends with the Russians. Ukraine? They never would have invaded Russia if I was president. Good guy, really. I’ll bet no one tells Kim he’s insecure, especially after uh what happened with the black wife, Kanye. But look. If they just turn around the cameras, they’ll show you I had record turnout, biggest crowd ever that stormed the capitol. And no one died on Jan 6, they always said they did but they were lies from Crazy Pelosi, just look at her she’s crazy. And Jill, sorry I mean Harris, she’s the most unpopular, most unpopular there ever was in the history of our country, ever. She brings in very little excitement, but my campaign is as exciting as it ever was. I bring in tremendous crowds, I’ve been great with black men, even the Jews love me. But white males? The numbers are hyuuuuuuuge. I don’t know if I’ll have black males vote for me, but the rest of them love me. My crowds are records, but they never talk about — what they do talk about it, is that they’ll do anything to try to spin up what I did , and that’s the truth. I’ve agreed to theee debates, and we’ll see because the truth needs to be heard. The Lunatic Left is always, and really they are. Harris can debate me, she barely competent! I’ll be happy to debate her any time any place. I’ve got the world’s experts, and the people love me and they’ll be voting to get, worst country ever. And that’s no joke, it’s a sad time in America. We’re not respected, I think I mentioned before how Putin sees us, and they don’t care. I’ll make this country more secure, best security ever, so all those countries don’t let out the floodgates and release the insane asylums into our country. They want no border, no security. I want so much security, that I will make this country truly a great country of insecurity.”

    • @WindyRebel
      -27 months ago

      Double meaning?

      Insecure as a person/man-child.

      Insecure because people can get in to shoot at him.

  • @Dagamant
    527 months ago

    It was weird. He set up a surprise conference to rant and lie for an hour. I think he is starting to think he might lose.

    • @[email protected]
      147 months ago

      I think it’s simpler than that: Trump sees Harris/Walz is getting much more attention and bigger rally audiences than him. Which is weird. Maybe he’s too old and should just drop out…

    • @Mercuri
      67 months ago

      Omg that was such a good watch. Thanks for sharing.

    • @GoofSchmoofer
      7 months ago

      He makes good points. I think his error is calling the people at the “press” conference journalist. They are not. They are content creators.

      Their job isn’t to get to the truth, it’s to drive clicks and comments. It’s to enrich them and their employer.

      There are good journalist still out there but since they don’t play to the almighty ALGORITHM they get drowned out.

  • Moah
    387 months ago

    Why are journalists allergic to the word “lie”?

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Because lying means the liar knows they are lying. Stating a falsehood means you don’t have to have the intent of lying.

      This comes down to libel. Journalists would like not to get sued because they think someone is lying instead of just claiming things they believe in, misguided as it is.

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        “Not a single person died Jan 6” this was an easily confirmable lie he told yesterday. Still, crickets.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Are you sure he’s not just so completely:

          • senile
          • deluded
          • forgetful
          • or just plain stupid

          that he actually knows that was a falsehood when he said it?

          To call something a lie, you basically have to be inside the person’s head. You have to know not only the action, but the intent. That’s, really, really hard to prove in a way that satisfies the (legitimate and necessary) requirements of journalistic ethics.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          When they sue you for libel, they will have to prove that you knew you were lying and still went ahead with it, in order to damage or disparage the other party.

          This goes the same for Trump: can you prove he knows he’s lying?

          Edit: in other, better words:

          The legal definition of lying is that someone spread false information with knowledge that the information was false.

          In general, a journalist cannot establish whether a person did or did not have prior knowledge, so we don’t use the term. It keeps us from getting sued.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            He certainly knew at one point someone had died. Is there exceptions for dementia?

            Edit - and I’m not trying to be a smart ass, it’s disgusting and I’m really sick of “oh media can’t say like it is”. It’s cowardly and enabling.

            • @Johnmannesca
              -27 months ago

              Finally, someone who isn’t afraid to shovel shit

    • @barsquid
      47 months ago

      They are cowardly. What I want to know is why they aren’t running, “of fuck this candidate is old old,” articles any longer.

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      In a way, you can say it is lazy journalism:

      The journalist can say he lied, then state factual data – but then real life happens and someone points out this action is subjective, biased and is attacking some person. Maybe the journalist also needs cred power for people to believe his stance.

      So to address objectivity in journalism, reporters just say what happened. No backtracking. No side references. Maaaaybe also pushed you their job to make sense of what it is.

      There’s also a factor about sponsorship and money but that’s just money talk.

  • Lemminary
    327 months ago

    So just another Thursday in the life of a MAGAt.

  • @[email protected]
    297 months ago

    That article is very funny, trrmp giving off some strong circle-the-drain vibes in those quotes.

    • @WindyRebel
      17 months ago

      People don’t want to get shot because of the lack of security.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    257 months ago

    That thumbnail:

    “and this is my dinosaur impression. RwaaaaaRrrrRRRRggggg!”

  • @Ersatz86
    7 months ago

    From the article:

    Campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said Trump was “throwing tantrums online and today at his country club for the media” because he wasn’t getting the attention he craves.

    “The self-obsessed, convicted felon is incensed he’s not in the spotlight as Vice President Harris and Governor Walz barnstorm the nation talking about their vision for an America of opportunity and security — where freedom and democracy are protected and everyone has a fair shot not just to get by, but to get ahead,” he said.

    “Trump has no vision, he has no solutions, and he is running a campaign of revenge and retribution to enact his Project 2025 agenda and make people’s lives worse. It’s why voters will reject him again at the ballot box this November.”

    Moussa with the beatdown 😬

    This after the Harris campaign called Trump “the most insecure man in America.”

    That’s gotta sting just a bit.

    • @Tylerdurdon
      117 months ago

      Exactly. Why are folks surprised? I read that he called it and immediately knew what to expect.

      The orange one is on the ropes. He’s going to try everything until he finds something that works. I’m sure his advisors are trying to calm him, but he’s going to be who he is. Expect further antics and more random garbage until he finds something.

  • @paddirn
    157 months ago

    I mean, you could say that about any press conference he’s given in the past 8 years.