It’s so late in the season but I’m finally getting something. I feel like it’s a guessing game on when to pick stuff tho, tips are welcome!

  • @fireweed
    7 months ago

    The “stretch marks” on the jalapenos mean they’re definitely ready for picking (not all ripe jalapenos have them, but all jalapenos that have them are ripe).

    Tomatoes you can pick once they “blush,” which means start developing color other than green. Store them inside, stem side down, to finish ripening. You can leave them on the vine to fully ripen, but they’ll be much safer inside (from bugs, weather, other damage potential) without any taste loss.

    The Italian peppers it’s best to wait until they fully turn red, although it’s more important to harvest them before you start seeing blemishes, such as the damage on the one in the top-middle in this photo. If you see any damage forming (including any soft spots) pick it immediately. You can always use them like a green bell pepper if they haven’t fully ripened yet.

    Does that help?

    • @Jayb151
      77 months ago

      Thanks for the tomato tip. I have so many that have been blushing but then the rabbit has gotten to them, and my good for nothing dogs aren’t guarding shit.

      I had no idea you should place them upside down. Is there a known scientific reason for placing upside down? Or just an observed best practice?

      • @fireweed
        87 months ago

        Tomatoes (all fruits?) ripen from the blossom end up to the stem end, meaning that the blossom end is always at a softer, more delicate stage of ripening compared with the stem end. So by storing the tomato upside down, you’re putting the most pressure on the stronger, less ripe end.

  • Plum
    77 months ago

    That looks like salsa and tiny chili rellenos from where I’m sitting and I’m hungry.

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    that’s awesome. hope you enjoy. I’m jelly. I want to grow my own tomatoes. The ones from stores have a weird metallic taste to me. Maybe the pesticides? 🤷‍♂️

    • downpunxx
      57 months ago

      at most industrialized factory farms, produce green tomatoes, which are almost indestructible in shipping via truck, trains and boats, then once in the warehouse they close the doors, and flood the entire building with ethylene which turns them red, and from there they go to the supermarket, where you buy them. these tomatoes haven’t been given the proper time to ripen, and so they don’t develop the sugars in the ripening process that give fresh tomatoes their deliciousness.

    • @IMALlama
      37 months ago

      Depending on what you grow, fresh tomatoes that are picked ripe can have a somewhat strong acidic taste. I’ve also found that some kinds of fresh tomatoes make my tongue kind of tingle. Other species of tomatoes, or that kind of tomato cooked, have no impact on me.

  • @AtomicTacoSauce
    47 months ago

    Mmmmm. Peppers. I love fresh garden peppers! Looking good!